10.Beach day

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(it's Saturday)
Its 9:30 AM, I managed to get around 4 hours of sleep last night so I don't feel as dead. I get to see Nick today and Nellie too! We are going to the beach that we went to together when we first dated. I find my phone on the floor and pick it up to text Nick.

Morning! I'm so excited to go to the beach today!!

Me too!!! Nellie is going to be so happy

Yess! Are you sure your okay with picking me up?

Yes of course ♥️♥️


I put my phone down and stretch out of bed, I see Tori in her PJ's walking up the stairs with a glass of diet lemonade "isn't a bit early for lemonade?" Tori glares at me. I pull my phone out, I have an idea

Nick!! I have an idea!

What is it char?

Can Tori come with us to the beach? If I can convince her?

Oo that sounds like a good idea!! Sure!! Good luck convincing her tho.

I'll try haha

I put my phone into my pocket and go over to Tori's room. She looks up at me from her bed and I walk in.

Tori's POV
I sit down on my bed and I can see charlie begin to walk in. "So are you going anything today?" He asks, I can already see where this is going but I don't say anything "no, why?" Charlie sort of fiddles with his fingers. "Do you want to come to the beach with me and Nick?" "Ew" Charlie laughs but looks a bit sad "please Tori? You get to meet Nellie too!" I'm a cat person. "You know I don't like the beach" I take a sip of my diet lemonade "look here's Nellie" Charlie pulls out his phone and pulls up a photo of Nellie.

He shows me the picture, Nellie is super cute. "What time are you leaving?" I ask "11:00 and Nick is pickings us up too" I want to spend more time with Charlie, but it's making me feel ill thinking about the beach "it's winter" I say "so? Its not like we're going into the water" I sit in silence for a bit, thinking about if I should or not, until I suddenly feel good, like I can be productive today so fuck it I will go. "Fine" Charlie's face lights up and I can tell he's happy. I regret it already.

Charlie's POV
Victoria said yes! I pull my phone out to tell nick

It worked! Tori's coming!

Yay!!! She gets to meet Nellie 🐶🐶


I walk back into my room and gather my clothes, I need to have a shower. I walk past Tori's room and see her packing a small bag for the beach, she's putting in a towel and her outfit for the day is on her bed. I have my shower and go back to my room, where Tori is, I give her a concerned look. She's just staring at herself in the mirror "sorry, your room has a mirror and I need to use one" I nod. I begin to also pack a bag, I put a towel, sunblock, sunglasses and a bottle of water. "you should bring some water" I say "mhm" Tori is to busy looking into the mirror "is my hair uneven?" I stand up and look at it, it's not. "No?" Tori walks out of my room.

Nick texts me saying he's 5 minutes away and I go downstairs to find Tori, she's in the kitchen making diet lemonade in a bottle. "Nick's gonna be here in five minutes" Tori turns around and nods, I really don't think she wants to come and I kind of feel bad. We hear a knock at the door and it's nick, he's got Nellie on a leash next to him. My face lights up and I bend down to pat Nellie.

Tori comes down with her bag and puts her shoes on "hi Tori" "Hi Nick" she sees Nellie and sort of smiles. She puts her shoes on and leave the house making sure to lock the door behind her, and we all hop into Nick's car. I sit in the front with Nick and Tori sits in the back with Nellie, she's constantly patting him and resting her hand on his fur. "Nellie is really cute" Tori smiles, but it's not a forced smile, it's like she ment it. We roll the windows down and Nellie pokes his head out, Tori looks like she wants to die, with her hair flying around everywhere. I keep seeing Nick look back at her, in the rearview mirror, so I look aswell. Tori doesn't have her headphones in, and she's not on her phone either. She looks like she's generally enjoying being here. I smile and so does Nick.

We get to the beach and We get out, Nick helps Nellie get out and puts a leash on Nellie. Even though Nellie is a trained dog, Nick likes being extra careful so nothing happens to Nellie. We walk down to the water and sand, and nick takes off Nellie's leash, Nellie runs into the water and Nick, tori and I set up our towels to lie down. "How much convincing did it take from Charlie to get you to come?" Nick asked and laughs "to much" Tori lies down and my face goes red. Nellie comes racing back holding a stick in their mouth and soaking wet, clearly wanting to play fetch with us. "Tori we're going to play fetch, wanna come?" Tori looks up at me "no, I'm fine with just lying here" I shrug and stand up with Nick.

Nick grabs the stick from Nellie's moth and we begin running with Nellie behind. We stop running and Nick throws the stick, Nellie goes after it and I begin laughing and smiling. Nick comes up behind me and hugs me from behind with his chin resting on my shoulder. I grab his arms and hold them tight, I want to stay like this forever. Nellie comes back and drops the stick at my feet, nick let's go of me and I pick it up to throw it. Again, Nellie goes racing away and it's just me and Nick. I turn around and jump onto nick, giving him a tight bear hug. He puts his hands under my arms and we stay like this for a bit. "I love you" I say "I love you too"

After a while of playing with Nellie, we go back to where Tori is and lay down "you two are very flirty today" tori smirks and I see nick go a little red "yeah and? You jealous?" I laugh and Tori sits up "uh no, I don't need a man to make me happy" she says, trying to put on an accent "then whose Michael" Nick and I laugh "be quite! I shouldn't have told you about him!" And we all begin laugh. We all settle down and Tori lies back down, Nick puts his arms around me and hugs me close, I love him so much. I put my head on his chest and he holds me tight, and it's like all my worries melt away in that moment, like there's some wild magic that he can do that makes it all go away.

We stay at the beach for a few hours more, before we all realise that we are getting super burnt, and we begin to pack up. Nick holds my hand on the walk up to the car and we pack the stuff away. Nick puts Nellie In the back with Tori whose half asleep, and nick and I go up front. We begin to drive off and Tori is already asleep, I'm about to fall asleep, but I want to keep Nick company. I think he noticed me slowly falling asleep but then jolting myself awake again and he says "Char, you can go to sleep it's okay, I know you need it" I smile at him, it's a thank you smile, if that makes sense and I slowly drift off to sleep.

I feel the car pull into my street and slowly come to a stop, and I wake myself up. I see Nick taking his keys from the ignition and unbuckle his seatbelt before he notices I'm awake "oh hi char" Nick smiles and I smile back. I turn around to see if Tori is awake and she is so I smile at her too, she smiles back and gets out from the car. I get out too and help Nellie out, and put the leash back on them. "Thanks Charlie" Nick is lifting bags form the trunk of the car and Tori is helping. I take Nellie into my front yard and unlock the door, Nellie tries to run in but I have to stop her. Neck and Tori come inside and place the bags down, there full of sand and dirt. Tori says bye to Nick and runs up the stairs. "So do you want to come round mine?" Nick asks "sure, my parents won't be home for a while" Nick smiles "Tori!! I'm going to Nick's for a while!!" I get no response and me and Nick start laughing.

We leave with Nellie and I lock the front door again. We get into his car, this time I bring Nellie to the front with me and we blast our playlist that we made together, full of our favourite songs. Its only a 5 minute drive but that doesn't matter. We make it to Nick's house and I take Nellie out of the car, saying "awww" and "your so cute!!" Every so often. We walk up to his porch and he unlocks the door. "Hi Nicky!- oh hello Charlie!" "Hi mum" Nick hugs his mum "Hello!" I wave and smile, and Nick drags me upstairs.

We go into his bedroom and I sit onto his bed "wanna watch a film?" He asks "it better not be a marvel movie" I smirk "ughh you have no taste" Nick sits next to me "what about Romeo and Juliet or Titanic?" I suggest these movies because they are amazing movies "oh my god you really don't have any taste in movies!" I gasp. "Let's watch a Disney film then" Nick says and I nod, I don't mind Disney films. We pick Mulan, a great movie if I'm being honest, and begin to watch it. Im lying on Nick's chest and I can feel him playing with my hair, he always does that, I think it's calms him or something.

Eventually like always I fall asleep. Being with Nick makes me so happy and warm, like he knows how to make me feel this way. He's definitely my missing puzzle piece. I know I know, what I just said was very cringe, but I don't care because I love him. I just wish we could stay like this forever, with Nick cuddling me, me lying with him, just the thought of him makes me so happy.

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