Our youth

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"Hey wait for me!" I yelled as zana and kaku we're running in front of me. They were way faster which I hated as I ran trying to catch up to them kaku fell on the the snow face first. "kaku are you ok?" both me and zana yelled zana look and him with a sad expression feeling bad for him basically. When i got closer I heard small sobs coming from kaku me and zana went to the crying boy. We asked if he was okay and within the sobs he mumbled a "yes" as we help kaku up we all started doing our group hug that we always do whatever something makes us upset. Which did work and obviously made kaku feel better when i pulled out of the hug I heard a loud yell which I instantly knew who the voice belonged to. "Y/NNNNNN!" I head shino yelled from a distance "oh shino is calling well got to go you guys see you tomorrow!" I said as I started running towards we're the voice came from "bye bye mori stay safe" zana said "bye mori" kaku said after. "Bye" I said back as I ran to shino i saw Mikey there to he looked like he had just woken up even though It was nighttime already. It's probably because of shino's yell that probably woke up half of the other people sleeping. "Cmon now it's cold outside and it's past your bed time" shino said in a scolding way "sorry I didn't see the time" I said

Time skip to the morning ☆

I got woken up by the morning birds and Mikey's yelling which is a common thing he likes to do.
Once I got downstairs all I saw was Mikey running at full speed to me as he jumped and tackled me to the ground. "Hey hey good morning y/n!" Mikey yelled "uhh good morning Mikey" as he started to rub his face to mine kinda like a cat. "Calm down Mikey you're going to give them ptsd one day" shino said as he picked up Mikey from the back of his shirt. "I can help it I like seeing y/n!" Mikey said with a big smile on his face. It was kinda heart warming hearing someone say that to me it felt as if you drank a hot chocolate on a cold and winter day. I didn't know what this feeling was but I liked it and i didn't want it to go away I wanted it to stay forever but I couldn't understand want it was. I had to tell someone who could possibly help me figure out what this feeling was so I asked the only older person who could possibly know what this feeling was. "Shino, y/n I'm leaving I'll be back!" mikey yelled from the living room "be careful mikey" both me and shino yelled back. Once mikey left I could finish let out my breath  you ok y/n? Shino asked me huh? Oh yeah why? I replied "well you we're standing very still and not breathing" oh! Yeah about that! That was something I wanted to talk to about I said "oh? Talk to me about what?." "well you see I've been having this weird feeling that I don't recognize" "well what's that feeling?" "you know when mikey said he liked being around me?" "indeed i do. What about it?" "oh well when he said that i had this feeling in my stomach and my my whole face felt very hot!" i said "ahhh ok now I see" he said back "you see more that feeling that you were having is feeling loved. It's a wonderful feeling to experience when it comes from someone else. Love is a beautiful thing and you just got to experience it because of mikey." shino said "I like feeling loved shino! I want to feel it everyday! It makes happy." I said in the most excited voice "I can see that and im glad you feel happy I can see it on your face" "mikey is a kid who loves everyone he likes to make friends and likes spreading happiness around others. I'm so proud of him so y/n take care of him, take care of mikey for me whenever I'm not around make sure he stays out of trouble." He said with a sad smile "I will shino I promise I'll do anything and I'll stay by his side!" I shouted with my face heating up "hehe alright then I got to go now I have to buy some stuff for dinner. I've already made breakfast it's in the stove, I'll be back" as he stepped out the door. "I'll stay by Mikey's side no matter what"

Timeskip ☆

"I'm home!" mikey yelled from the front door "oh hey Mikey" I turned my body from the TV to him "hey where's shino?" he asked "oh um he said he was going to get stuff for dinner" I told him "huh when did he leave the house? He asked while tilting his head about "like an hour ago but I'm not sure. I wasn't really counting the time. As I scratched my head" "what? An hour is a long time to get food don't you think?" he said in a worried tone "don't worry I'm sure he went to get some more stuff. Or maybe he went to his shop, who knows he's a strange guy he'll be back in no time." I said trying to cheer mikey up "I guess you could be right but what do we do meanwhile he's gone. I'm really bored and I wanna do something fun!" I saw the spark in his eye. He looked so happy and full of energy. That's the mikey I've always known... And the mikey I loved with all of my soul. "Well how aboutttt.... TAG YOU'RE IT!" as I tagged him and ran out the door "HEY NO FAIR YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" mikey yelled as he started chasing me "you can't catch me loser mikey" I said to tease him "WHAT! oh ya! Well I'm faster then you!" he started catching up to me. He's fast and then BOOM! "I GOT YOU Y/N" as he tackled me to the ground "mikey you can't just that! That's cheating!" I said "hehehe no it's not. Not according to me that is!" he said back "y/n what are you doing?" a familiar white haired boy came to my view "and- oh it's you to mikey." his voice switched to worried to annoyed real quick "oh hey izana! What brings you here?" mikey said with the same bright eyes "well I was going on a peaceful walk but the sight of you ruined that" izana spat back "hey zana don't be so grumpy I'm sure you don't mean that." I said trying to break the rude comment zana just made "I mean every single word I said" glaring his eyes at mikey "hey follow me I need to ask you something. Hey mikey why don't you back inside I'll be there soon." I said as I pulled zana's sleeve "hey where are we going!"

Izana's POV★
"Hey where are we going" as y/n pulled my sleeve I felt my face go all red. I felt all hot and I didn't like it but i knew why I was like this. It's all because of them, y/n made me feel this way. From the first time I've ever lied my eyes on them, my heart beats so fast it feels like it's going to jump out. As y/n kept walking they suddenly stopped "listen zana I don't know what mikey did to you but there's no reason to be so hash with him" they said to me in a scolding matter "hash? What I said wasn't even harsh. I just told him the truth my morning was ruined the moment I saw him." I replied back "but why zana you never use to say mean stuff. Why does mikey bother you so much?. "Y/n...why are you defending him so much? I said to them. "Huh! I don't need a reason to not defend him. There's a thing called being nice zana" y/n said and I saw their whole face turn red. "Mikey is just... So nice and amazing and a good pers-" I cut them off "You like him don't you" I said coldly "WHAT! there's no way! I don- well I DON'T KNOW! SHUT UP ZANA!!!" they yelled "oh" was the only thing I let out, but this pain in my chest not to mention my head started hurting."I have to go" those where the last words I've said to y/n before I ran off. "Hey! Zana where are you going!" they didn't even bother chasing me, but why not? Yes I'm the one who ran but why don't they Chace me. The pain in my heart grew and it grew and it just kept growing.

Your POV ★
"Hey! Zana where are you going!" that was the only thing I said to zana as I watched him run away. I don't know what happened but I'm worried for him, he didn't look happy at all. I'm just wondering if he'll be okay especially since he lives alone, I've always felt bad for him. His whole life has always been so lonely that's why me and koko have tried to stay by his side, so he wouldn't be so lonely especially in the nights. We would have sleep overs and we'd just have fun together playing outside in the snow. I want to help him, I want to help him feel happy. Seeing zana happy is like my job well me and koko's job. We both work so hard just so zana smiles everyday and it's worked, he's been smiling everyday... Until now. For the first time I saw zana frown I kinda hurt to see, he's always smiling yet... Just right now he didn't smile. He wasn't smiling... Because of me, I felt horrible when he ran off I wanted to chase him, but my legs wouldn't move. I guess it was because that was the first I I've ever seen him frown, suddenly guilt ran through my whole body, but what did i do to get him upset. I didn't know but i want to find out, so then I could apologize if it wasn't something I did or said that got him like that.

Izana's POV
I kept running and didn't stop my legs moved on their own, and I knew exactly why. I was hurt, it hurt so badly I knew this feeling and I hated it I'd wish it could go away. Then as u kept running I thought to myself "why aren't they chasing after me?!?" I'm the one running. I want to be stopped, but no matter what I ran forward and didn't look back. I suddenly felt my legs shut down which made me make contact with the floor. I stayed glued to the ground for a good second when I heard a voice "hey izana are you okay?" said shinichiro "cmon kid get up you'll get stepped on" in his usual carrying tone I also noticed he had a bag full of groceries "I don't feel like it" I replied "alright then" as he put all his groceries in on hand and grabbed me with the other "if you're not going to stand up I guess I'll do it for you" he said. I just stayed quiet, after some time of walking he left me at my house. That lonely and depressing house but I still thanked him for taking me here "stay safe kid" once again his soft carrying voice spoke "sure" was all I could let out. After some time of me lying on my bed I thought of something that could help me win. That could help me stop feeling this pain in my chest, but I just need time.

One week later☆
Your pov

One week has passed since the last time I saw izana. The last time I saw him he looked upset and it was that time he ran off. Sometimes I can't sleep knowing I made him upset, knowing I'm the reason that he hasn't come back. Me and Mikey often try and look for him but still haven't seen zana anywhere. There's nothing we can do about it but wait, wait meanwhile worrying. "Mikey what do you think happened to him?" I said "I don't know. Maybe he just went to spend time at someone else house" he said sitting on the rug. My head has been all about where izana could have been and why he ran away. Maybe Mikey is right, he could just be in someone else's house we'll I hope.

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