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Time skip ||

It's been year's since I've seen izana. I'm actually 17 now and I've still remember the day I saw him. He always pops up in my mind from time to time but I have much worries to deal with. I have a small job which is working in a flower shop. My manager rarely shows up so it's kinda just me. I work Monday, Wednesday's and Thursday's and my coworker takes Tuesday's, Friday's and the weekends. It's a good balanced work schedule for me and is bearable which I really like. "HEY! Y/N!!" I hear Mikey shouting meanwhile running downstairs "huh?" is the only thing I could let out before Mikey jumped me "hahaha got you again!" he said "jezz you're going to kill me one day" I said back "well I wasn't going to let you leave before your daily kiss from me" he said as he kissed my forehead "have a nice day dear" he said "you to Mikey" I replied as I let the apartment where me and Mikey live in. Mikey and I have been together for a couple Years and I couldn't be more happy. He confessed to me when I was in my senior year I felt so happy when those words came out of his mouth. I feel a smile forming when I think about it, I love Mikey so much. I Suddenly saw the flower shop but as I got closer to the door I saw a note on the door. "Meet me at the park on top of the hill" is what the note said "what in the world?!?" I'm the only one working here so I guess the note is meant for me. I looked around to see if the person who let the note was near by but I saw no one out of the ordinary. I took the note and went inside the shop, I filled the sign from closed to open and a matter of minutes people started coming in.
Time skip ☆
After what felt forever I finally got to close the shop doors. "Man what a day" I said to myself then took out the note out of my coat. "The park near the hill? Why a park from all places?" I thought, I know I shouldn't be going places where a random person told me to go but I was curious. Plus a little bit of exploring doesn't hurt anyone so as I walked to to the park I realized that no one was there. It was strange why invite someone and not even show up? I stayed for a while trying to see if I saw anyone or just in case they came late. Then right as I was about to leave I heard a voice, a super familiar voice. "So you did show up huh?" my walking froze, I slowly turned around to see it. There he was standing in front of me "izana?..." was the only thing I could let out "wow you actually recognize me? I'm surprised." he said then that when i felt it. The tears ran down my face which I didn't realize at first. Suddenly my legs moved on their own and I ran towards izana and I hugged him tight."wow hey take it easy!" he said as we both fell to the ground "you idiot where were you!" I said in between my sobs "I've missed you so much. Why did you leave!" I cried even more all I felt was izana stroking my hair and him hugging me "there there don't cry anymore. I'm here now y/n.." he said, my crying died down and just became little sniffs. We were both standing now which was the first time I could get a good look at him he was so much taller now and older, well he's just one year older then me but still. "So what have you been doing all those Years any why did you leave" I said in a sad tone, he's eyes soften "I left to live in other place with kakucho and I did it because..." he stopped to think "I just thought you would live better if I wasn't there..." he finished his sentence "ARE INSANE!" I screamed "ME AND MIKEY HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU AFTER YOU LEFT FOR SO LONG! YOU MADE ME WORRY ALL BECAUSE YOU THOUGHT I WAS BETTER IF YOUR WEREN'T THERE!!!" i yelled as I punched his arm. He did move "look i'm sorry I didn't know you cared so much. I thought because you look happy with Mikey that you didn't need me to be around anymore." he said "I'm so sorrys I really am" he apologized again it started getting dark and Mikey has called me at least 10 times but something in me knew I shouldn't answer the calls so I didn't. "I forgive you zana just don't do it again. Don't leave me behind again" I said. " I won't I promise" he said back "WAIT! that reminds me! Mikey doesn't know you're back! Cmon lets go tell him!" I said in a exited tone. Before he could say anything I grabbed his hand and started running to me and Mikey's apartment. "Hey hey slow down" he said as I saw the apartment come to view "we're almost there!" I told him not after long there we were. I knocked on the door and with no time to spare Mikey swung the door open. "Y/n where were you I was getting worried! Why didn't you answer my calls!!" as he grabbed my face looking around "did anyone hurt you dear are your okay?!?" he kept saying "haha Mikey I'm okay don't worry nothing happened to me I just ran into someone" I said trying to calm him down. "oh that's a relief" he said hugging me "but look who's here!!!" I said as I show Mikey izana "izana... Where were you!" he said as Mikey hugged him "oh um hey Mikey..." izana was frozen in place. "well you have lots of explaining to do to me zana cmon in" Mikey invited izana to out apartment. We all sat down on the couch and Mikey and izana were just chatting like if nothing happened. It really put a smile to my face, "well boys Ill serve us some dinner"which was the dinner that Mikey cooked. "Some food sounds nice..." izana said with a small smile he felt happy for once in a long time. "Right well I'll be right back I have to use the boys room" as Mikey got up to use the restroom. I started serving everyone food until I heard the front door open and slam shut "izana?" I called out but no answer so I ran outside and saw him running "IZANA!" I yelled this time but he just kept running. Mikey came out in a panic "what happened?!?" he said storming out of the bathroom "he left...." I said in a sad yet confused tone.

Izana's POV ☆

When we got to the apartment y/n knocked and the whole door almost went flying. There he was it was Mikey he's grown out his hair to his shoulders but overall he looked the same. "Y/n where were you I was getting worried! Why didn't you answer my calls!!" as he grabbed y/n's face and looking around like if something happened to them "did anyone hurt you dear are your okay?!?" he said again "dear?... I thought to myself. Is that something Mikey calls them? Come to think of it. Why do they live together? Is it because they're just childhood friends or-" NO! I need to stop thinking things like this! They're obviously just friends." I thought to myself "haha Mikey I'm okay don't worry nothing happened to me I just ran into someone" y/n said in order to calm Mikey down. oh that's a relief" he said hugging them "but look who's here!!!" Y/n said all excited. "Izana!" mikey said "oh um hey Mikey..." was the only thing I let out as I was frozen in place. "well you have lots of explaining to do to me zana cmon in" Mikey invited me to their apartment. We all sat down on the couch and it was mostly me just explaining to mikey where I was and why I did it he also didn't hit my shoulder unlike y/n. "well boys Ill serve us some dinner" y/n said "Some food sounds nice..." i said as a small smile. I haven't felt this happy in such a long time. "Right well I'll be right back I have to use the boys room" mikey spoke. As both of them did their thing I stayed in the couch just waiting when I turned to my left I saw a table with a picture of y/n and mikey kissing.... My heart dropped I started to breathe heavily. That's when it all made since Mikey calling them "my dear" them having a apartment together it was all true. I was in denial thinking they were just friends. I wasn't surprised I've been gone for so long and all those year I couldn't prevent them from ever being together. I knew Mikey liked them but I never knew y/n liked him back... I was all because of me that they're together. It's all because of me they love Mikey. It's all because of me y/n doesn't love me. With that I ran out of the apartment slamming the door behind me. I was running then all of a sudden "IZANA!" I heard y/n yell some part of me wanted to stop and run back to them but I wouldn't allow myself to. I was just filled with so many mixed emotions I couldn't handle it my chest burned so much. I felt like sobbing right there but I knew I couldn't so I just ran all the way next to a bus stop where I called kakucho to pick me up. After he did kaku didn't say a word I'm pretty sure he knew something bad had happened and he didn't want to make the situation worse. When we got back to our house I went straight to my room I didn't want anything to do with people right now. I just laid on my bed I felt a tear finally running dow one of my eyes. That's when it hit me all this anger took over my body I started throwing everything in my room, anything and everything I got my hands on. Then I saw a picture of me, y/n and Mikey as kids, we were do happy and smiling but he ruined it all I thought to myself as I grabbed a lighter and burned Mikey out of the picture. He ruins everything and he has everything, everyone LOVES Mikey and why?!! He's nothing special I'm 10x better then him in everything. Why did they chose him? I just have to prove it to them, prove to y/n that I can treat them better. I'll love them more then Mikey ever did! He doesn't deserve y/n in any way shape or form I HATE MANJIRO SANO! and I'll do anything to make y/n mine they'll see...

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