Onion witch tip- take a onion prick it with either pins, needles, or nails. Place it in a windowsill for protection against the evil eye and magical attacks. When the onion goes bad take out the nails, cleanse it, then discard it.
Angelica root- Angelica root is believed to be a very powerful guardian and healer. It is used for protection, exorcism, and to bring good luck. Angelica root can be used to ward off evil spirits and carried to increase luck in gambling. It's smells like celery.
Witch hazel- witch hazel is a versatile ingredient that can be used for cleansing, healing, protection, divination, and intuition. It heightens magical powers and physical abilities. It's a strong cleanser that pulls out negativity. Witch hazel also has antibacterial properties. You can use it in herbal waters to keep fresh longer.
Magical herbs- when dealing with magical herbs, understand they have many different properties. You can't expect them to know what to do, you have to tell them.
Jar for self love- first cleanse your little bottle. Then add cinnamon for healing energy and love. Marjoram for happiness, protection, love, and joy. Oregano for love, courage, and action. Chamomile for prosperity, healing, harmony, and happiness. Pink himalayan salt for cleansing and balance. Rose quartz for unconditional self love, soothing, and gentleness. A self love sigil. Then seal it with a pink candle for love and passion.
Phrases that block your manifestations- I cant, I want, I hope, I need, I wish, I desire, and I hate.
Baby witch tips, for the begginers
Espiritualfollow me into my favorite thing to do. witchcraft is not worshiping Satan like everyone thinks, no it is totally bipolar opposite of that. it is literally just a craft. any religion can do this craft just there practices revolve around there religi...