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English is not my first language, if anyone can help me improve the translations I would really appreciate it.

"Can you stop stealing my dog?" Once he sees Kate enter the training area. "Come on Kate you haven't even changed, If I could change you like my Padawan would , but the test is in a month"

"Relax, idiot" The brown-eyed girl replies with amusement, she knew that what Clint said was not true, if the relationship was based on not taking what they said to each other very seriously, it was not the typical master-apprentice relationship, that It is generally full of respect, but they were friends before teacher and student, and that will not change that sometimes the two fight in childish insults. "But if you want I'm going and for you to bring Lila, I think it would be better than me"

"Please change quickly and get that stupid smile off your face" Barton rolls his eyes when he sees Kate remove her baggy shirt and dirty light blue jeans from hers revealing a purple tank top and black leggings. "What happened to you? And why are you so happy?"

"I met someone" The black-haired woman throws her clothes towards the corner of her and Lucky automatically runs to play with her, the girl lets him pass thanks to what he did today. "Lucky and I make a good team, so now I claim it as totally my own."

"Hey you can't steal my children's dog just because he helped you win a girl" The blonde threw a first blow that was dodged by Kate.

"If your children wanted Lucky he would be at the farm" The girl throws a kick that was stopped by the man. "That dog became mine since you asked me to take care of him" They both start fighting, hand to hand combat is what they have been training the most, Kate was already good with the bow and also with some weapons according to Clint, so I know They focused on developing their fighting skills, at first it was difficult and the black-haired woman's face was full of bruises, but now she could defend herself a little more, the physical change of her body was noticeable a little more.

"Who is the girl?" Clint asks when he pins her to the ground. "Is she one of the fortune hunters or ...?" The man couldn't finish the question as Kate butted him off.

"I think she didn't even know who I was" The girl replies once she reverses the roles in the situation. Thanks to her father's company, many boys interested in money went after her trying to "conquer" her, she thought that when she said that she was a lesbian that would end, but she was very wrong, the girls began to do the same and it turns out that the interested women they are worse than interested men, they are too insistent. "Her dog of hers dragged her because she was chasing Lucky's ball and knocked me to the ground by accident"

"And what's his name?" Clint tries to get out of her grip, the girl had gotten stronger and now her workouts gave him more work.

"That's none of your business" With that last thing the blonde tightens his grip on Kate's waist and pulls her in front of her. That same movement was the one that Yelena made on the other side of the complex, Natasha had her own special training room since she was equipped to be able to dance ballet, she was quite cool, as well as private. Unlike the other general training room, there you had to set a time to be able to use it alone since the other government agents also trained there for the test.

"So are you going to tell me the reason for your delay?" Natasha strikes a landing pose after her sister throws it. She usually did it to annoy her, she would never admit it was her habit.

"I think I met someone" Yelena says with her very strong Russian accent, when she was with her sister she didn't hide that part of her.

"That's great" The redhead lunges in to try to lock the blonde, but she was greeted with a kick in the side of her. "It's a cute guy?"

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