You're the best thing that ever happened to me

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WARNING: This chapter has Smut. I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to leave your comments about the chapter and your vote.

"Don't make noise" Yelena says when they enter the dormitory area of the complex, she had decided that she would not let Kate return to her apartment, she was not going to leave her alone until they fixed her father's matter, the problem was quite serious if they sent to mercenaries after her, he does not want to think about what would have happened if he had arrived an hour later as he had thought, maybe his girlfriend would be dead right now, but he was not going to allow that fate for the girl who had stolen his heart She was not going to allow anyone else to take away parts of her life, parts that make her happy.

"Sneaking into your room." The black-haired woman raises her eyebrows in amusement when the green-eyed woman turned to look at her with warning at the noise of her voice, this only made the archer smile with narcissism, she loved to tease her girlfriend. "I like it, it's sexy and mysterious, it reminds me of my time in high school"

"Please be quiet" she begs the blonde in a low voice as she takes the brown-eyed girl's hand to lead them into the hallway of her room. "I do not know if Natasha and Steve are in the complex, we cannot risk being discovered before the test" The archer nods taking serious at the moment, she would not like to be discovered and they will force them to choose between being heroines or their relationship Both had already spent a lot of effort to get to where they are and could not get away from the other, it was all or nothing. Maybe if they were fired from the team, she could go back to her investigative job, with the help of Yelena they would get better cases, it did not matter as long as they were together and they will help the world.

Luckily no one was found on the way, when they entered the lights they turned on automatically, letting the black-haired girl see a room with gray walls, on the wall behind the bed there was a poster of the song "American Pie", his girlfriend's favorite song, there was a shelf with many books, Fanny's toys were on the floor, next to the bed he could see that there was a pair of ballet shoes, on the bureau next to his bed he could see 2 framed photographs, in The first was a half of a strip of photos in which you could look at two little girls, a redhead of maybe 9 years old and a blonde of apparently 5 years old, both had a huge smile on their faces, they seemed to love each other, in his green eyes you could see a lot of innocence. In the second frame you could see a young woman with black hair, quite cute if you ask Kate, next to her there was a fairly stocky blond man, on his feet were the same girls from the previous photo, they looked like a happy family enjoying themselves Christmas morning. The archer's heart swelled, seeing her girlfriend as a child was very nice to see even she could not believe that someone had dared to hurt her.

"It looks cute, right? "Kate turns to her girlfriend, she hadn't realized that she walked to the bureau and she was looking at her pictures too long. "Too bad it was all fake" The blonde takes off her gray jacket and puts it on the chair in front of the desk full of files. The black-haired woman was curious about that comment, but she wasn't going to pressure her, the little she knew about the red room made her terrible, she can't imagine how Yelena survived that.

"It's a nice room" The archer gives him an understanding smile and sits on the bed, feels comfortable, I should ask for the name of the store to buy one in case I did not get into the avengers. "When you told me you were a Black widow I was expecting more weapons around here, although I was also expecting a photo of me around here, because don't think I didn't notice that I was missing a photo at home" Yelena's face turns red, she committed the robbery ago one week, he thought that his girlfriend would not notice the absence of a portrait of her, in his defense the photo that he took was too beautiful not to have it with her.

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