Did you miss me?

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"Miss Bishop do you know the reason for this evaluation?" Asks an old man in a suit with a table where he is making notes.

"Because the government does not trust the choices of the avengers" When she finished saying Clint nudged her, he had already told her that he had to behave, the government needed to see that she could be reliable and would not cause problems, but Kate did not he can avoid saying stupid things, that was part of his personality. "I mean ... because the government believes it has better options for the position she applied to me for"

"Miss Bishop you are not the only one we are evaluating, Miss Romanoff's sister is also being evaluated at this time and I must say that she is equal to or better in skills than her predecessor. We are trying to treat you all equally without favoritism, their connections to the original Avengers are no guarantee for their positions as the new defenders of the land "

On the other side of the compound, Yelena was receiving the same speech from a different man.

"We need to know that they will be willing to do what it takes to protect this planet, there are threats bigger than us and we don't need our defenders to create more trouble."

"I assure you sir that my intention is only to help" The blonde had an almost military straight posture, this brought back memories of the red room. "I know my past is one of the reasons the UN is testing me, I just want to let you know that I just want to help the world just like my sister."

"Then Miss Belova let's start the test"

Both Yelena and Kate were given physical tests, especially close combat, marksmanship and psychological, for the green-eyed the first 2 had been easy, but when it came to the psychological, her traumas arose a little, it was part of the path that he had to travel to heal, so they had told him. But today there was something different, going through the session was difficult, not like the other times, this time her mood did not go down, she was happy and that is thanks to a girl who now lives for free in the mind of she.

"How are you?" Natasha was waiting for her sister along with Fanny outside the room where the blonde was going to therapy, the redhead knew that sometimes the sessions were very hard, no matter how long she had to wait for her little sister, Natasha would always be there to support her. "How was the session?"

"It was good" Yelena crouches down to Fanny's height and the dog takes the opportunity to lick her owner's face. "I think I'm improving little by little, today I was able to talk about my first traumas in the room without giving me a panic attack" The green-eyed kisses her dog on the head and then gets up and gives Natasha a smile to you see that it's okay.

"That's good" Natasha gives her sister a hug. "I'm glad this is helping you"

"Yes, well today I feel happy" Yelena comments when she breaks away from the hug. "And I'm not going to let anything ruin it."

"Does that mean your date today went well?" The blonde nods, she feels her face heat up at the memory of her afternoon with Kate. "You have to tell me"

"I'll tell you while we have dinner" Both sisters leave with Fanny. Once the 2 spies are no longer in sight, the continuous door where Yelena leave her session opens and a very beaten Kate comes out of her face. That was the first psychological evaluation they did, as Clint had told those who applied for a position in the avengers and had records of post-traumatic stress or serious trauma they should take sessions before starting training, Barton told him that that was the requirement for Black widow's sister.

"How is your face?" Asks Clint when he sees Kate leave the complex, in her right hand she is holding an ice pack and in the other Lucky's strap.

"It hurts like shit" she replies the black-haired man, the blond man throws the ice pack at her which she catches easily. "Have you been waiting long?" The brown-eyed girl places the bag against her cheek and makes a sound of satisfaction when she feels the cold of the ice against her bruised skin.

 Yelena & Kate New Legacy (Translation in English)Where stories live. Discover now