Chapter Four

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A/N: Video has nothing to do with this chapter. But stream POP!


Nayeon tries her best to forget about what happened last Saturday.

Tries, being the operative word.

Ryujin had a look of obvious concern on her face when Nayeon barely managed to greet her that morning. Nayeon thinks Yuna offered her some concealer in the pretense of Nayeon's face being sweaty. Someone from Sales even had to help Nayeon upright when she leaned too far on her side during an elevator ride.

Even her sketches look more like squiggles than a layout plan.

Nayeon thinks she's being sleek about her struggle. That is until Jennie notices her inattentiveness and clumsier-than-usual behavior and confronts her about it during lunch.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

Nayeon doesn't even lift her head up. She's still trying to decipher if the floor layout is upside down or it seriously looks like the blocks of houses in Minecraft.


Mina loves Minecraft. She used to play that all the time to relax. Even had me on her lap while she built a house that she said would be like our actual house one day.

She wasn't even an architect. Or an engineer. But Mina had a dream. For us. Our family.

"Im, you've been drifting off earlier in the meeting. Joohyun-unnie had to slap your cheeks thrice to keep you awake."

Nayeon's only response is a hum. Maybe she should ask Mina if she destroyed that house in Minecraft when she destroyed their future together when she left.

"Oh, to hell with it."

Nayeon startles when she feels like a bucket of ice-cold water has been dumped on her and her mouth opens in a silent gasp as water droplets slide off her hair and onto the paper she's holding.

"What the fuck?" Nayeon lurches out of her seat, vainly trying to remove the water on the paper, all the while hardly even caring that the collar of her blouse is sticking to her neck like candy.

Jennie only looks at her with dissatisfaction before she offers Nayeon her handkerchief.

Nayeon eyes it with suspicion before putting down the layout plan on her desk, throwing Jennie a glare, and taking the proffered cloth. "The hell is wrong with you?"

"The hell is wrong with you," Jennie throws right back, crossing her arms over her chest as she watches Nayeon wipe at the wet stains on her blouse.

Thank goodness it was just water and can be easily dried by simply standing in front of an AC for a few minutes. Still, Nayeon can't help but groan at the inconvenience of a wet blouse. This, on top of everything else on her plate, is just too much for her on a Monday.


God. What Nayeon will do just to have a break from all of... this.

"Seriously, Nay, what's up with you?"

Nayeon is still debating whether she should tell Jennie about the 'grocery incident' when there's a sudden, "Did she talk already?"

Nayeon and Jennie both look up to see Joohyun standing in the doorway, head tilted to the side as she studies her two younger friends.

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