Chapter Nineteen

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"Unnie. Can we talk?"

Nayeon hums from her perch on the edge of the table, unsure what Mina wants to talk to her about. They've just finished drafting their new project's contract and Nayeon doesn't know why Mina is still standing across from her and—

"I want to explain why I left."

Nayeon automatically stands up from her perch at hearing those words. Did she hear that correctly? "What?"

"I want to explain why I left," repeats Mina diligently. "If you want to hear it?"

Well, this is sudden. Nayeon knows she's been waiting for Mina to explain for weeks—hell, years—but now that Mina's actually planning to do so, Nayeon's suddenly unprepared for it.

What prompted Mina to explain now of all days, anyway? And here in the office, no less. Granted that it's past 5PM and most of their officemates have clocked out already but still. This isn't the best place to do it, is it?

Nayeon wants to scoff if only it wouldn't scare Mina into backing out. She owes her this.

She's just lucky enough that this Friday, Sana and the rest of their friend group volunteered to pick Minji up from school and treat her to ice cream afterward. So, an explanation from Mina here is feasible, and Nayeon doesn't have to worry about her daughter.

Nayeon thinks someone from their friends might have tipped Mina off about it.

"After what almost happened to Minji," Mina says after receiving no other response from Nayeon, "I just thought anything is possible, and I don't want to waste any more time stalling."

Oh. Nayeon hasn't realized that the incident has affected Mina so much that she's willing to explain now. Even if Nayeon wants to pry and ask Mina how she's been after what happened, she knows her place. And this isn't the best time either.

Mina's going to explain. Shit.

Nayeon tries to go for nonchalance despite her heart trying to leap out of her chest. "Well?" she prompts. "Why did you leave, then? Was there someone else?"

"No!" The conviction in Mina's voice surprises them both. And it's that kind of tone that convinces Nayeon that there wasn't a third party involved. She's never heard Mina sound so offended and steadfast. "No, there wasn't someone else. I would never do that, unnie."

Okay. No third party. "Then what?"

This time, the fire in Mina's eyes dies down and she suddenly sounds so defeated when she says, "When I was on my way to our wedding, my... doctor called."

Doctor? Nayeon doesn't ever remember that Mina went to a doctor before their wedding. So, what doctor?

"I didn't tell you about it," Mina explains as if she's read Nayeon's mind, "but a few weeks before our wedding, I had myself checked. It was just a general checkup really—you know how appa is with my health—but the doctor found some abnormal cells in my lymphatic system."

The words, despite their clarity, don't make any sense to Nayeon. She's still kind of reeling from the fact that Mina is explaining already and yet she's not understanding anything that's coming out of her mouth. "What?"

Mina shrugs, not meeting Nayeon's confused gaze. "I had lymphoma, unnie. I found out about it on my way to the wedding. And I... I panicked. My doctor said cancer and I blocked out the rest of what she said. I thought my days were numbered, so I ran. I ran because I didn't want to be a burden to you or our friends. I've seen what cancer does to people and their loved ones so I left with no goodbyes because I-I couldn't... I wouldn't have been able to leave if I saw you.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2023 ⏰

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