Chapter Nine

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God, as it turns out, has some pending revenge plan set for Nayeon.

"No," Nayeon whines, voice cracking a little as she looks at her friends and hopes that her puppy eyes will work on them somewhat. "You can't just say this to me when we're about to leave!"

The pleading look does not work but Sana and Dahyun at least look remorseful.

"We're so sorry, unnie," Dahyun says, "but Momo-unnie has an important meeting this afternoon and I got roped into subbing for three classes today."

Nayeon is just about to start whining again when Sana pipes up, "And I have an emergency photoshoot today because the photographer's memory card got corrupted and they had no backup files."

"That's ridiculous," Nayeon points out, momentarily distracted at hearing the information. "Who doesn't have a backup of important pictures on their laptop?"

Sana shrugs, contrite still. "And Tzuyu-yah is out of town for a conference."

Damn it. Why are they all busy today of all days? Why? What did even Nayeon do in her past life to deserve this punishment?

Nayeon turns to Jihyo and Jeongyeon who don't even look as apologetic as Sana and Dahyun. These two, really. "And you two? What's your excuse?"

"Seminar," Jihyo answers at the same time that Jeongyeon replies, "VIP reservation."

Ah, fuck.

Nayeon is so screwed.

"Mommy! Wet's go to the beach!"

And she can't even do anything about it.


Mina is rightfully surprised when they meet up at the convenience store near the Ims' apartment building.

Nayeon doesn't miss how Mina's eyes dart between Minji and Nayeon, obviously wondering why there are only two of them when she's already used to having six other adults tagging along as buffers.

Her confusion, however, is quickly replaced by a smile when Minji automatically drops Nayeon's hand to run to Mina while exclaiming, "Mama!"

Nayeon can't help but smile as she watches how Mina immediately falls to her knees to receive Minji's running hug. "Hi, sweetheart," she greets with a quiet laugh. "How are you?"

"Excited!" Minji diligently answers, practically buzzing with anticipation. "I wanna swim!"

"Excited, huh? That's good, we'll have lots of fun today." Mina's smile grows even wider. "But where are your aunties?" The question is directed at Minji even when her eyes are on Nayeon, and Nayeon readily answers.

"Busy," she says simply. "It's just us three."

Mina nods, smile never once faltering even as her brows furrow a little at hearing Nayeon's statement. "Well, that's okay. More food for us!"

Minji cheers and laughs alongside Mina, and Nayeon thinks maybe the day won't be as bad as she first thought it'd be.

She's spending it with her daughter, after all.


Apparently, Mina has prepared a lot for their beach getaway.

After promising Minji that they'd go to the beach, Mina immediately messaged Nayeon that they didn't have to prepare for anything else but their clothes.

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