Chapter 7: The Cafeteria and The Nightmare

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TW: Nightmare (not my best)

You're sitting next to Eddie in the cafeteria, at the Hellfire Club table. He's laughing with the others but you're staring off into space. "Why is she still here?" you hear. You look up and everyone at the table is staring at you. "Or did we miss the wedding?" Gareth asks. Everyone at the table except Eddie chuckles. You slowly nod. "Message received." you mutter. You stand, grabbing your tray and turn to leave when something or someone grabs your wrist. You turn you head over your shoulder to find Eddie's hand in a tight grip around your wrist. The smooth, cool metal of his rings against your warm skin gives you chills. You slowly take your seat again and set your tray down. Eddie is in no rush to let go of your hand. He slowly moved his hand and rests it on his leg, the one that's against yours. He continues to talk like nothing happened and you continue to sit there in stunned silence. You reach your pinkie out and touch his. You see Eddie smile while talking and he entwines his pinkie with yours. His hand moves to take your whole hand, the cold metal of his rings once again returning to your skin. He rubs your knuckle with his thumb and then releases your hand. You exhale, unaware that you had been holding your breath. The bell rings and you book it out of the cafeteria, not wanting another awkward encounter.

(Time skip)

You and Eddie are walking out of the school to his van. "Did I make things awkward in the cafeteria?" Eddie asks, as you reach his van. You turn to him and shake your head. He gives you an unconvinced look and opens the door for you. You climb inside and shut the door. Eddie does the same on his side as you each buckle your seatbelts. "We have to make a quick pit stop at my trailer to make sure I have some...stuff." Eddie says. He seems to be more talking to himself than talking to you. "Okay." you mutter. You pull up at his trailer and you both go inside. It's messier than last time but you don't judge. Eddie gives you a quick glance. "I have to sort around the house. You should wait in the bathroom." he says. You raise a suspicious eyebrow and nod. Eddie leads you down the hall and before shutting the door says "This won't take long, just relax. I know that's hard for him but try." he says. You give him a small smile as he shuts the door. Eddie's bathroom isn't as messy as the rest of his house. It's fairly neat. White tiles, white sink, white walls, white ceilings, white tub, white, white, white. Your breath hitches as the whiteness of the room gives you deja vu.

Your surroundings slowly fade away and you feel like you're falling.

You crash onto the ground and roll onto your back.

Red, cloudy skies cause you to bolt upright.

It's the upside down. A clock flies at you and you duck, hearing a splash as your hands go into some black liquid.


 Some black vines move beneath you and you fly backwards onto your hands. There's a loud screech as some animals that looked like a bat and lizard hybrid fly over you.

You duck down and start to run, running as far and as fast as your feet can carry you.

Your heart is pounding heavily and quickly as you continue to run. The ground under your feet sloshes and something wraps around your foot. You fall to the ground and turn your head around quickly. There's a vine wrapped around your foot that's pulling you back. You let out a scream and there's a flash of a bright, white light.

Suddenly, you're back in Eddie's bathroom again. There's no vine around your foot. Everything is white. Your eyes finally seem to focus and you're sitting on Eddie's bathroom floor. Eddie is there too. His hands are on your shoulders and he looks concerned. Eddie opens his mouth to speak but you speak first. "What happened?" you ask. Eddie blinks and takes a shaky breath. "I was searching my house when I heard some noises from the bathroom. I thought you had slipped or something so I came in and you were...floating? Sort of...levitating and your eyes were rolled back slightly. I started to shake you and then you screamed. You dropped to the floor and woke up, I guess." Eddie says. He looks as startled as you feel. "You wouldn't believe me if I said this was normal, right?" you ask. Eddie slowly shakes his head and you laugh slightly. Over the past few years you'd battled demogorgons, the mind flayer, and evil Russians. This one thing doesn't quite bother you.

"Listen, Eddie, I'm sorry that I scared you, it's really not a big deal." you say. Eddie glanced at you and nods. He stands up and offers you his hands which you take reluctantly. "I'll give you a ride." he says as you stand. You nod and start to walk out. Eddie follows you and you both get in his van. The drive home is in silence. "Hey Eddie?" you ask, breaking the silence. "Yeah?" Eddie asks. "There's always two major things that people get asked before things and before our first meeting you didn't ask me them." you say. Eddie glances at you and smiles. "That's because I already know the answers." he says. "The question were, of course, if you have any allergies and if there's any chance that you could be pregnant. I knew that there was no chance of you being pregnant and you're allergic to coconut." Eddie says. You turn your head towards him as he pulls into your driveway. "Damn Munson." you whisper, getting out of his van. Eddie gets out too and meets you in front of his van. " careful." he says. You smile and wrap your arms around his neck in a hug. Eddie didn't like being hugged and you know you'd get in trouble but you didn't care. You feel arms wrap around your waist as Eddie hugs you back. "Thank you for everything Eddie." you whisper. You release Eddie and walk up the steps to your front door, giving it a knock. The door swings open as you hear tired screech on the road.

That Eddie Munson was someone different.

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