Chapter 1 - New beginning

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Zero's POV:
I grew up in a crappy home. Nobody cares about what I wanted. Not even my mom, which is surprising, isn't it. Well not really, she just wants the perfect little girl she had birthed and raised. Yet she had gotten me, an incomplete mess. You see I'm not the typical girl you would think I am, in fact I'm not a girl at all. I'm a boy, well that is what I think I am. I'm actually a 'transition', from girl to boy.

I couldn't take it no more. This body, it wasn't me. Do you get me? The pain I feel ever time she calls me 'Salina' is ten times worse then seeing the hurt in her eyes when she had found out.
She had caught me taking my testosterone, which changes a womens voice into that of a man. It will also cause growth in facial hair and increases muscle mass.

This had caused her to go ballistic, she had dragged me all the way to the hospital to 'fix' me. Being that I was nearly 16, only has one week to go, she still had the say in everything. They had forced me to take hormonal pills, making my voice go bake to being feminine(no clue if this is actually right).

That in itself drove me mental. I was in pain physically and mentally. I couldn't take it no more. I went to the bathroom, taking my razor blade with me. There I had proceeded to slice my wrists, five on each arm.

Completely forgetting that I had done it on the night of a family dinner. Someone had come to the bathroom and me being me forgot to close it. They had entered the room and saw me, completely out of it, blood oozing out from my arms. They rushed over to me shouting "Zero", they covered my wounds as tightly as they could and tried to keep me awake. Being called Zero brought me hope, I typed to open my eyes even a little to see my uncle Nat(pronounced Nate). He was the only one I told about me transitioning and he even helped. He's the one who got me the pills to begin with.

I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, my eyelids slowly started to close. Hearing muffled cries everything went dark.

Not long after I had woken up, it turns out I have been asleep for over 5 months. Nat was by my side all the way, every second to everyday. My mom didn't even visit me, not even ones, social services had gotten involved and Nat became my permanent guardian, that is after I had told my side of the story. They listened to everything and being that now I'm 16, even though I'm classed as an adult, I will need to be watched to make sure this doesn't happen again.

I was only able to stay with Nat for 7 months but in that time I got a lot better and even had two surgeries. Making me more a man. Goodbye tits and uterus.

Anyway, being that Nat can't take care of me more and that I still needed to be watched, we both decided to take me to a 'correction camp'. Well even though it is called that, it is nothing like it at all, they don't 'correct' you but encourage you to be yourself. But hush... mom doesn't need to know this.


...Back to present...

I'm currently in the car with my social worker Lena, she is taking me the the house I will be staying in until I believe I can continue on by myself. We pass massively tall trees with barely any civilisation close. The only town that is close is a 30 minute drive. I can't complain its a beautiful view and there will be no one to bother you.

Distracting myself from the nerves, I look out of the window to see a massive one story building, with beautiful patterns carved into the walls, massive fields with different sport corses painted on top. The entire place was surrounded by a light grey brick wall with more patterns carved in.
We drove passed an automatic metal gate that had closed behind us and made our way to the front of the house, where a man that looked in his early 20s stands.

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