Chapter 4 - Partner

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Zero's POV

KNOCK! KNOCK! Is all I could hear as I stir awake. KNOCK! KNOCK! It repeated once again pulling me out of bed and to the door. In my drowsy state I opened the door to find Sam and Derek with smiles that gleam. "Good morning", they both said in sink with each other. "Morning... what time is it?", I asked in confusion. They looked at each other, then back at me, "It's nearly 'that' time", they looked at me a bit worried. "Oh... ok come in",wiping the sleep from my eyes.

I was about to go and get the case but was stopped by Sam pulling me to the bed. "Zero how much are you supposed to take?", Derek asked making me curious as to why he asked. "About xxx amount, why?". "No reason just get more sleep", Sam had answered instead. I was still tired so I listened.

Derek's POV

After Zero told me the amount needed I went to go and get the case. Earlier me and Sam was talking and looked up on ways to make sure Zero doesn't have any panic attacks after having the injection. Luckily we found a method that is 100% successful. Taking out the syringe and vile, I measure out the amount Zero had told me while Sam gets the area prepared. I put the needle near the area hoping Zero doesn't wake up. I inserted the needle and pushed the serum in. Zero only flinched a little and a little squirm but he didn't wake up. It was a success.

We waited for a bit to make sure nothing was wrong. I couldn't help but take the little thing in my arms and hold him till he woke up. We both know Zero will wake up soon and started to get things ready for him. Sam went into his dresser to get comfortable clothes for him. "Hey Derek", I turned my head in the direction of the voice. It was Dominick. "What are you guys doing?", he asked looking at the sleeping Zero. "Helping him take his meds", Sam answered for me.

Before Dominick could speak Zero had begun to stir awake. He opened his eyes and looked around. I helped sit him up as Sam brought his clothes over. Dominick was still confused so I told him I'll tell him later. He simply nodded. Zero was still groggy so we help him change and guided him to the kitchen.

Zero's POV

Breakfast was amazing, I got to know everyone a little bit more and discovered that Jasper and Carlos are both littles. I had some feeling after Jasper asked that question on day one. I just waited for them to tell me themselves. Once we ate the food I needed to go for a run but this time Dominick wanted to come instead. I was fine with it but Derek did ask him to watch me in case something were to happen. We both had gotten changed in to our workout gear and began to jog our way around the yard.

RING! RING! My phone had begun to ring just as we were nearly to the house. We stoped to take a break and I answered the call. "Hello", I said curious to find out who it was. "Hi is this Zero", coming from the other end. "Yes that's me", I said as Dominick gave me a concerned look. "We are just calling to say we will be delivering your car to the property shortly", I couldn't keep in my excitement at all. "That's perfect, see you soon", I said as I hung up the call. Dominick spun me to face him and asked what it was about. I did tell him as we were walking in to the house.

I asked him if he could go and tell Derek while I go and get changed. He did agree and we went our separate ways. I went to grab my clothes and make my way to have a shower. Walking in to the showers I see that they are all opened. No doors, only the main door to the showers and even that doesn't lock. I found a stall and was about to strip until I felt a tug on my back. I looked around to find Carlos and Jasper, they had both followed me to have a joint shower. They said they couldn't reach certain areas and wanted my help so I did. I started to strip with them both staring at me.

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