𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖

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Date: 2005


Author's POV

Y/N eyes at Pah who was kneeling with a small knife on his hand, he turn behind to look at Y/N "Y/N you should go to--" a few of the police officers began entering the warehouse, they all stopped when they saw Y/N and Pah.

Pah stood up showing the knife to the police officers, one of them glanced at Osanai's unconscious body on the floor. They went to Pah and was about to arrest him when Y/N raised her hand up "May I have a word with him?"

One of the police officers stared at her confused "I dont think-" -Y/N?" The chief police spoke, Y/N took a glance at the owner's voice and smiled "Hello Mister Kaito, good to see you" Kaito smiled "sure, you may have a word with him."

Y/N stared at Pah "You did a great job Pah... But what you did was really uncalled for" he looked at the ground balling his hand into a fist "Im sorry Y/N, I was so angry!" Y/N smiled softly "and im proud of you for that" Pah lifted his face to look at her, he was speechless and he still felt devastated at the same time "you seemed to have known them.."

Y/N put her hands on her coat's jacket "I have connections with them... Well Papa is the reason why" Pah stared at the ground again "dont try to free me, please Y/N... I want to tu--" a hand was placed on his left shoulder "Pah... I know what you're thinking... Just let me do my thing, yeah?" His eyes widened.

"Finished?" Kaito approached them "yeah.." Y/N replied. Kaito have happened to be friends with her father. Kaito knew whatever business her father has and he kept it as a secret, as a payback for saving his life.

Y/N began explaining everything to Kaito, about toman having a meeting then moebius came in starting to pick a fight, she then told Kaito why Pah stabbed Osanai. Kaito smiled "I see... Young man your friend is lucky to have you..... I'll sort things out okay?" Pah was in disbelief "but sir--" Y/N cut him off by putting her hand on his shoulder again.

Arriving at the police station. Kaito together with Pah and Y/N, they were in a private room and here came in Pah's parents. His parents panicked to what their son had done, but before they could discipline him Kaito had explained everything to them.

Pah was sitting beside Y/N, both his parents were across from them. Kaito was still deep in thoughts to what they're gonna to Pah's situation.

; Osanai was sent to the hospital and Y/N had paid his expenses secretly.

Kaito cleared his throat earning everyone's attention "I only have one thing in mind and that is letting him stay home for house arrest for 3 weeks, how's that sound" Both his parents nodded as they all understood his situation. Pah was still in disbelief to the point he began crying.

Y/N and Kaito smiled at his reaction, his parents went to him to comfort him. Pah then looked at Y/N "thank you Y/N!!" She replied with a no problem look.

Pah and his parents bowed at Y/N and Kaito "no need to bow Mr. and Mrs. Hayashida, he's my friend after all" Pah smiled weakly.

Kaito and Y/N went back to the private room. Kaito sat down across Y/N "What do you want to talk about?" He was surprised at her sudden change of attitude "may I ask the number of the person who called the police at the warehouse?" Kaito widened his eyes before giving her the number that was written on a sticky note.

Kaito chuckled "you sure are like your father huh?" Y/N smiled "im his daughter after all". She bid goodbye to Kaito. She drove off.

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