𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟒

905 31 1

Date: 2005


Author's POV

Y/N sat on her bed staring at the ceiling, she was deep in thoughts.. "Pah is safe in his house..but Draken still got stabbed.." she knew it was a bit odd for her since she knew already knew that Draken would be stabbed but there's something missing or something she forgot.

Y/N shook her head and stood up putting on some sweater and she head downstairs. She went to the kitchen and saw her two brothers Akiro and Lee "oh hello baby sis!" Akiro stood up and rushed to hug her but she dodged making Akiro to fall. Y/N sighed and took a glass and poured an orange juice.

Lee stared at Akiro "get up idiot." Akiro stood up and looked at Y/N "you ungrateful child! How dare you!" Y/N rolled her eyes and sat beside her brother Lee "so what now?" Y/N stared at her drink for a second. Akiro sat at Lee's right side "Yeah.. I dont know what to do now.." Lee only finished his food while Akiro finished his wine "well I need to go now, I gotta attend another game tournament for tonight" Akiro stood up aswell "me too.. I need to sign some papers aswell" Y/N only nods at them.


"FUCKING BULLSHIT!" Kisaki yelled throwing a glass on the floor "HOW THE FUCK DID HE GET AWAY WITH THIS? H-HOW DID HE KNOW??" Hanma took a blow on his cigarette "well I think he just read your moves" Kisaki glared at Hanma "shut the fuck up" Hanma chuckled and continued to inhale his cigarette.

Kisaki sat down staring at the ground "I need another plan.." Hanma smirked "this is gonna be fun" he mumbled.


Baji looked Kazutora "you sure about this?" Kazutora nodded staring at the knife on his hand "yeah... I have to do this... For my sake" Baji sighed and agreed "Alright since you're already out of the gang, I'm gonna do something reckless so Mikey can kick me out" Kazutora nodded.

Baji stared at his friend "y'know she came back" Kazutora widened his eyes "n-n/n?" His heart softened "yeah.." Kazutora looked down "does she know?" Baji nodded. Kazutora cursed at himself "After our plan.. I need to do something"


Takemichi walked confidently in front of his juniors as he wore a weird outfit. He went to the hospital to check Draken "you look hideous in that outfit" Draken started insulting him. As they were done talking, Takemichi asked where Mikey was and Draken replied saying he is on the rooftop.

After Takemichi left, Draken stared at his hands, he was really thankful that his life was saved. He whipped his head to the door's side and saw Y/N walking with plastic bags in her hand "heyy!" She greeted her friend. She put down the plastic bags.

"What's this?" He asked, Y/N sat down on the near chair beside him "foods and some gifts for you" Draken stared at her "you didnt have to do that.." he scratched the back of his head "its fine  hehe" Draken smiled "you spoiled brat" Y/N meekly smiled at him.

Y/N went to the rooftop and saw Takemichi and Mikey, when he saw Y/N he smiled instantly "Y/N-chin!" Takemich looked at them "what are you doing here?" Y/N opened her arms as Mikey rushed to hug her "what else idiot? Of course to visit Draken" Mikey pulled away "oh.. uhh.. you wanna hang out with me after this?" Takemich stared at them awkwardly.

Y/N nods "sure..." Mikey smiled "great.. let me just get something from Draken's room" as he left, Y/N sighed and went to Takemichi "how are you?" She asked which caused him by surprise "i'm fine, my hand is healing as of the moment" Y/N smiled "glad to hear that" she looked at the view as the wind flowed on her face "I gotta admit.."

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