𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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Date: 2005


Author's POV

Y/N wore her f/c beautiful kimono, she held her hair up in a bun and paired it with a large flower hair-clip which complimented her beauty and outfit.

She went outside as soon as she was ready. She saw her brother Lee inside the car snd was waiting for her "done?" She nodded and went to the passenger seat, but before they could go. They saw Akiro and Ranzy through the front door.

"Have fun baby sis!!" - Akiro

"Good luck." - Ranzy

Lee waved off and began to drive. The ride was filled with comfortable silence "so.. you still didnt tell that friend of yours about your timeleap?" Y/N was eyeing at the streets "not yet..." she calmly replied.

Y/N was still yet deep in thoughts as she was still contemplating about the moebius battle. Pah wasnt sent to jail- but still Mikey and a few didnt know about it.. would it change something? Well yes it will.

Lee stopped the car, Y/N saw that they had already arrived at the festival "thank you Lee-nii" he gave her a soft smile "i'll be waiting here.." she nodded as she saw her brother got inside the car.

; He started playing games on his phone!

Y/N exhaled and walk off to find Emma and few. When she spot a beautiful blonde girl she smiled "Emma.." the named girl turned behind and smiled instantly "Y/N!!" the h/c girl saw that Hina, Takemichi and Draken are here.. and Mikey wasnt with them.

"Sorry Mikey said he'll be late" Draken spoke, Y/N nodded "dont worry Y/N he wont take long!" Hina reassured the girl "that jerk! Why would he be late for his date!" Emma chimed in. Y/N widened her eyes and started blushing "i-it's not a date Emma..." She cold-calmly says.

Emma just smiled at her before the four took off and went to enjoy the festival. Y/N sighed "geez, why is he making me wait" Y/N shook off her head. She started walking and took the time to roam and eye at the stalls.

"n/n!!" Y/N turned to the side and saw Karma and Nagisa wearing their gang uniform "hello Karma and Nagisa" she smiled "wow! You look pretty" Nagisa blushed as he gave her a compliment "thank you" Y/N flashed him a smile.

"I'm guessing, the midget is late?" Karma grinned as Y/N nodded "Should I accompany you for the nigh-" he was cut off by a cold voice

"No one's going to accompany her besides me"

the three turned to look behind Karma and saw an angry Mikey "well.. speaking of the devil" Karma slowly turned behind and approached the male.

Mikey stayed at his position as Karma puts an arm around his shoulder "try anything funny, and you'll know what'll happen" Karma spoke with a dark and danger tone. Mikey wasnt fazed at all "you dont get to tell me what to do" he spat back.

Y/N saw their tension and spoke "Karma." Her voice was stern. He removed his arms around Mikey's shoulders and went to Nagisa. Before they could leave Karma pinched Y/N's cheek which made Mikey to twitch his eye "have fun n/n!" Y/N glared at him and rubbed her cheek.

Once they were gone, Mikey approached the h/c girl "i'm sorry Y/N-chin.." Y/N smiled as Mikey starts to snake his hands on her waist "why are you apologizing?" Mikey buried his face on her shoulder "sorry for getting mad at you a while ago.. and for being late" Y/N lifted his face with her palms and hugged him by his neck.

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