☁️🎶The Hard Good Bye 🎶☁️

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As Hailey pulled up to the schools is side entrance. we're the music room was closest Hailey walk in to see that every thing was cleaned "Uhh Hailey p r e s i d e n t"
"right" As Hailey grabbed the papers that were in her bag she read out loud.

Hailey:As being the graduating student of the president of this music club next year. Millicent Brooks will be known to be the music club president at Rose Meadow High School. I know give you the new music club president Millicent Brooks.

Hailey finished her speech Milly gave everyone a big hug.

Milly:Thank you Hailey so much for letting me your main guitarist and helping me though problems and everyone thank you for being so god damn amazing.

Everyone smiled at Milly and they all leaned in for a big group hug.

Everyone except Hailey:Thank you Hailey!!!

Hailey's eyes got watery as a tear falling down her cheek. after about 5 minutes of hugging and tears
Luke had the idea of taking a group photo.

Luke:Everyone come here for a picture all together!

Hailey know crying and hugging everyone.

Hailey: *sniffs* thanks for being in this band everyone I could have not done it with out you guys. I can't say how much I care about each and everyone of you.

Everyone started to cry and looked around.

Hailey:Guys are thing

Everyone:1...2...3 WE ARE THE MUSIC FREAKS!

Everyone started to cry even more they were all sad and happy tears. everyone smiled brighter than they ever smiled Ms.Jones peeked in to see what was happening.

Ms.Jones:Looks like you guys got everything packed up I can't tell you guys how proud I am of all of you for being so passionate in what you do.

Everyone:Thank you Ms.Jones.

Ms.Jones:Hailey I hate to say it but. can I have the keys please.

Hailey: Oh yea here and milly is going to be the president next year and Charlotte is still going to be the music producer again next year.

Ms.Jones:Sounds good oh look at the time it is 1:20
Hailey,Jake,Zander and Luke you can go get your graduation package. Milly and Sean you can stay if you would like to.


Zander:Come on let's go and get the stuff I don't want to wait in a long line just to get a box.

Hailey:Alright let's go.

Writers notes 🌹❤️‍🔥
Yes more of a short chapter I was try not to cry myself next chapter Graduation rehearsal thanks for reading 🎶:)

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