*𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓻𝓸𝓵𝓸𝓰𝓾𝓮 *

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Long long ago, there was an incident. A big incident. That caused our Human world to split into two and cross over to another world. That other world was a magical world. Because of that, the magic that was in the Magical World transferred and mixed in with the Human World and became this world. We now call our world "Para-Terra".

In this world, there are Humans and there are the Gifted. There are different types of elements that the gifted are classified as.

First the 'Earth Clan' which is a group of the Gifted that powers contains the elements of the ground in nature such as the ability to lift objects or maybe the ability to talk to animals.

Next, is the 'Sky Clan'. They are a group of the Gifted that powers contains the elements of the light, darkness, and air. They can have the ability to produce light or fly and move things in the air.

Then there is the 'Fire Clan' which is a group of the Gifted that powers contains the elements of warmth and temperature. They can have the ability to lit everything around you on fire or put you in a blizzard.

Last but not least is the 'Water Clan' which is a group of the Gifted that powers contain the element of water and ice. They can have the ability to control the sea or perform an Elsa and build with ice. ( Can be confused with the element of fire.)

Even though in the past, the Gifted were rare, now it is very common.  All of the Gifted children are enrolled in a special academy apart from the humans that teaches them to become Travellers and even one of the top five best Travellers.

I, Bella Euphoria Ocean, was born with a water and earth gifted parents and a younger water sister. I am 16 years old and has graduated from the International StarFall Academy or should I say "will be" once I pass the GREAT CHALLENGE. This "challenge" is a month long challenge and if you pass, depending on your score, you'll be able to work as a official traveller and work your way up the charts to one day become one of the top 5 Travelers in the world.

(Reference photos to help picture how their world looks like.)

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Dreams, Torment, and Death

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Dreams, Torment, and Death. The circle of life. Seems simple in the eyes of a mortal but is torturous in the eyes of the Gifted.

In a world of dreams and hopes, its residents rests on the foundation of misery and agony. 

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