𝓐 𝓤𝓼𝓾𝓪𝓵 𝓐𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓸𝓸𝓷٫ 𝓞𝓻 𝓲𝓼 𝓲𝓽?

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I was really excited because I have trained all my years in the academy to make it this far. I was proud of myself and my family was too.

"Wow, you woke up early today!" My mom announced as I moved to the refrigerator and pull out some eggs.

"Today is my big day! Why would I risk missing it?!" I said as an excuse for why I suddenly decided to be an early bird. My mom smiled warmly at me and I smiled back, at that moment my dad walked in with boxes filled with my moms cooking, ready for selling at my parents catering service. The International Kitchen is what they are known for.

"Morning Bee, You're up early. You excited for today?" My dad said as I went in for a hug after he set the boxes down.

"You bet Boss Man!" I exclaimed and he laughed at my hyper mood.

"Why don't you get you sister." He suggested and went over to mom to help with the preparations.

I turned back into the living room and back up stairs, heading to my sister's room. Busting the door open I ran to her bed and jumped on her bed.

"Get up sleepy head! Guess who is the early bird today!" I said and my younger sister shifted under me and groaned before shooting up awake in realization.

"Your going to the participate in the great challenge today!" She said through a croaked voice.

"Yup." I confirmed. With that she pouted sadly and gave me a hug.

"I'm gonna miss you for a whole month." She said. Me and Calla have always been close so I can admit that I'd miss her also.

"It's only a month. I'll be back." I reasoned and she nodded before getting up to wash her face.

"I'm still going to be bored without you here to entertain me." She muttered softly before closing the door to the bathroom.

"You can take the extra time to help mom and dad out." I suggested, trying to make my leave sound less boring for her.

"I do that regardless!" She yelled back from the bathroom and I chuckled.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you'll find something in the meantime." I said and walked back down stairs to finish making my breakfast.

After breakfast and gathering all that I packed, I bid my goodbyes to Calla and my parents, earning a good luck from them and walked down my usual route to my school, StarFall Academy, ready for what this "challenge" has prepared for me.

Hundreds of students flocked together at the academy which kinda made it hard for me to move around the area. As I was pushing my way through the crowd to get in line for my registration, I started to feel the ground below me lift up, knocking me to the side.

I looked up from the hard fall knowing already who it was.

It was one of "The top three bullies" of our school. I know, I know the name sounds really cliché but it's what they called them and for a good reason. They were known for having the highest level over their gift in the Academy. Even though they were just two levels higher than us the small praise the got from the teachers and principals got them really big head.

So now we are all just "amateurs" to them, which you can see where the bully part comes in to play. They order around and control anyone they run into and if you don't comply they'll threaten on hurting you with their gifts.

Of course, there was no way I would've complied with there rotten attitudes so I never listened to their orders and Aiden managed put up a good fight against all four of them but that led to me getting points off of my grades. I needed my points to get into the "challenge". As a result I had to 'behave' when I was in the academy grounds so I became their main target which, in contrast, kept other students away from me. So I don't have any friends.

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