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I looked on the news and saw something disturbing. I've known this would happen but now it just feels so real. Row v wayd is overturned. My heart was palpitating, my head spinning, my hands clammy and cool. The room spun and I blacked out.

I wake up in a concert. Normally I'd be so happy to wake up to Arctic monkeys, but now I'm not. I didn't wake up here. Ive been looking forward to this for months and my mom drove me here. Now I couldn't care less. A man can just look at me and decide to get married and i couldn't say no. Being in public isn't safe anymore. These songs i once loved now feel like nails in a chalkboard, like words drowning in the void if space.

I was sitting down and suddenly the man on stage locked eyes with me. My heartbeat sped and i could feel my cheeks burning as he wasn't looking away. Eventually after what felt like minutes, he snapped out of it and people were giving me funny looks, wondering why he was staring. A few girls beside me convinced themselves he was looking at them.

I got a bad feeling from it and decided to leave. As i walked out, the loud concert rumbling got quiet. I thought it had to do with me walking away but it got quiet too quick. Suddenly, i heard screaming. Screaming of terror?!

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