Here's to the Land of the Free

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I'm pregnant she says,

I'm scared,

I'm too young.

This baby won't have a home,

Her cry goes unsung.

What will I do, these men won't help?

They tell me what to do with my body,

I kick, scream, and yelp.

So many women, like me they have to stand,

All the unfair justices,

Let's make a list of the idiotic band.

Clarence, Samuel, Brett, and Neil,

I can't believe even Amy, a woman, joined in on the repeal.

What has this country come to?

I thought America was the land of the free,

The only thing free to roam is the unheard

cries of women at the bully tree.

The young woman travels a long distance away,

To find a way to save her life before it's too late.

She feels a sharp pain, she looks down at her legs,

They've been painted with blood, mahogany stains pouring from the floodgate.

This can't be, she frantically yells,

There's no one to help me, are those the heavenly bells?

I feel my heartbeat begin to slow down,

I guess my time has come, the final countdown.

This was always going to happen, because in my Texas hometown,

Thanks to the justices, abortions have

been shutdown.

So here I lay, in my blood, sweat, and tears

They say Pro-Life, trust in God, say no to the shears!

Well, here's to the life you so much wanted to save,

But you lost a young girl, in the desert, with no tombstone to mark her grave.

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