Another Sleepover

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POV: Zander


This is when they first found out about Luke's sleep drunk thing-


"Zander? I think Luke is dead-" my stepsister, Hailey, said.

I choked. "What?

"Look at him!"

I turned my head to look at my best friend. "Wh-"

Luke was sitting there, staring into space with a blank expression.

I snapped my fingers in front of his face. He didn't react. "Luke!" I said rather loudly.

His eyes came into focus and he shouted, "GRAPE JELLY IS BETTER-" before blushing, embarrassed. "Oops..." he coughed, looking away. "Sorry."

I raised an eyebrow at him. "You okay?"

"'M fine..." he said, blinking slowly.

I looked him up and down skeptically. "'K," I said, knowing better than to push it.

"You guys wanna watch a movie?" Hailey asked after watching our interaction with a slight smirk. "We have some good ones."

"Sure," I said, shrugging. "Luke?"

Luke smiled lazily. "Yeah, okay," he said, kind of slurring his words.

"Okayyy," Hailey stretched out the word. "What do you want to see?"

"I don't know," I responded. "Pick something."

Hailey eyed Luke. "What about him?"

"Why are we talking about him like he's not here?" I rolled my eyes. "He doesn't like to make decisions, really."

"'Kay," the teal haired teen replied, taking a disc from the shelf.

After the m o v i e :

(A/N: I was lazy, spare me-)

"That... was decent," I admitted.

"Mmmhm," Luke hummed. Then he suddenly stood up.

"Luke, what are you doing-" I asked, standing too. 

He stepped into the hall and started pacing. I leaned against the door frame and watched him, confused as could possibly be. "Luke? Lukeee? Luuuuuukeeee?" irritated now, I walked up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. "LUKE! HELLO? Anyone in there?!"

He just stopped, staring into space. I was a little worried now. "Luke?" I gently tapped on his head. "Lukeyyyy, come onnn," I shook him lightly.

He randomly started moving his hands back and forth, bobbing his head slightly.

"What are you doing?" I hissed, exasperated. "Luke-"

"Right now I'm looking at youu and I can't believe you don't kno-o-ow, you don't know you're beautifuuul," the drummer slurred, his lemon eyes out of focus. My cheeks heated up. I could hear Hailey snicker behind me.


"You know I love it when you call me Senorita..." he yawned, his voice louder now.

"I have NEVER called you-" I cried. "What the frick, Luke? What is wrong with you?"

"I think that's a song, Zander," my stepsister called. "Both of those are different songs. The first one is The Bes-"

"I don't give a frick what the songs are called. What's wrong with him?" I complained, turning my attention back to Luke. This time he looked right at me.

"Zandyyyy," he leaned forward, hugging me. I turned red again. "You're so prettyyyy..."


"OKAY, OKAY-" Hailey said, almost as frantic as I was now. "I didn't know he'd make a move...! Something's definitely wrong-"

"YOU THINK?" I shouted, nearly in Luke's ear. I tried to pry myself free of his grip but he was too strong.

"Just THINK OF SOMETHING-" she screamed back. "I'll run and get mom-"



"He's not gonna KILL someone, Hailey, but FRICKING GO!"

The club president left, and I was stuck being hugged by my childhood best friend and crush, a tomato in my own hallway.

"Luke, don't you want to sleep?" I tried to coax, moving my legs to the living room with no avail.

"Mmm.." was all he replied, nuzzling into the top of my head. I felt the fuzzy texture of his scarf against my face and I was fighting not to faint.

"Luke, please." I said, my voice breaking. "Can you go to sleep? You're obviously not okay."

He stopped hugging me, and took my hand.

I squeaked out questioning comments as he tugged me back into the living room, auburn locks bouncing because he was practically skipping.

"What are y-"

I shut up as he pulled me onto the couch and leaned into me. I blushed and looked at him. Sound asleep, already. I raised my eyebrows before smiling slightly. It turned back into a frown upon not knowing what was wrong with him.

But he would be alright for now. I put a hand on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat. "I love you," I whispered, hoping he really was asleep. I tried to leave but his head came down on my legs, my lap becoming his pillow. I thought it better not to move and smiled, genuinely, starting to play with his hair. I went down and pecked his forehead before leaning back and relaxing on the back of the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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