Chapter 1

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~jades pov~

Beck just broke up with me because of some stupid game show.

I leave Tori's house without crying until I reach my car, I insisted that we take my car I never told him why, but it was incase this happens, he can get a lift with Andre. I cried for a few minutes in my car, sometimes glancing over to the door to see if anything had changed, to see if he changed his mind and that he opened the door; but he never did. I quickly wiped away my tears and drove away, I went to Beck's RV to get my stuff.

I still have the key he gave me so I unlocked the door and got all of my stuff, well I think it was everything I could have sworn I had more stuff but I have most of it.

I exited the RV and locked the door, I climbed into my car and drove over to my house. Before going in I thought of every single scenario that could happen as soon as I walk through the door so I could be ready but the truth is I'd never be ready to walk through my front door and not feel scared and frightened. I would happily stay at Cat's house and avoid this whole thing but right now I just need to be alone and cry.

I got my stuff from the trunk and walked nervously over to the door, I shakily put the key in the lock and unlocked the door. I went inside and quickly ran upstairs to my room and I locked my room door.

Angrily, I threw my bags onto the floor and sat down on the bed. Surprisingly I didn't cry for a few minutes but then I looked over at my bedside table and sitting on it was a picture of Beck and I at the beach smiling with the sun beaming down on us. My eyes stung with tears as I remember that day, I felt genuinely happy and my smile was real.

"Come on babe! Just come in the water with us, you'll be fine!" Beck smiled
"No! I hate the ocean" I said
"Okayyyy then I'll have to do this" he said and stated to tickle me, we were both laughing and the all of a sudden he caught me off guard and scooped up on his arms and carried me to the sea.
"Beck put me down now!" I said half shouting half yelling as I clung onto beck as my life depended on it
"Okay then" he said and put me down in the water, it was cold but it felt nice as it was a hot day. I hugged Beck tightly.

After a while, I got used the ocean but it still wasn't my favourite thing but maybe it's something I could not hate as much.

As beck and I were smiling near the shore about to kiss, Cat took a picture of us.
"Cat!" I said
"Whatyy?" She asked innocently
"Why'd you take a picture of us?"
"For memories, to show at your wedding day and plus you guys looked so cute" she replied

~end of flashback~

Streams of tears ran down my face, I vividly remember that day and it was one of the best and most funnest days ever but now it's one of the worsts because I spent most of it with guy I love just for him to break up with me. I couldn't help but think of what Cat had said to us that day "to show at your wedding day" I can't believe I actually thought Beck and I would get married one day, I love him but he doesn't love me back.

More tears rolled down my face as I turns my head to look at a another picture that was hung up on the wall. It was a selfie that we took on the plane when I was meeting Beck's cousins for the first time. I was so nervous that day but Beck assured me that everything will be fine and it was, kind of.


I got a message from cat, but before I could read it my face was being washed with tears again, a picture of beck and I is my phone wallpaper. Nothing exciting happened in that picture but we were smiling with so much love in our eyes that it became one of my favourite photos of us that I had to set it as my wallpaper.

I opened the message from cat.
Kitty 💞: how are you??? Xxxxx
Jadey ✂️🖤: I'll be fine
Kitty 💞: okay! I'm still going to give you a big hug next time I see you
Jadey ✂️🖤: you wouldn't dare
Kitty 💞: you wait and see
Kitty 💞: sorry jadey I've got to go xx
Jadey ✂️🖤: okay bye
Kitty 💞: byeeee

I cried my eyes out for hours, I decided to get changed into something comfier. I put on some black sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt.

As I was getting changed I looked down at my scars, I haven't cut for months because beck helped me stop doing it but now he broke up with me and doesn't care what I do.

I rummaged through my draws until I found a sharp razor, I placed it hard against my wrist, sliding down on it, tearing the skin open. Blood slowly oozed out staining the razor crimson red, I lifted it up and put it on a different area of skin and repeated the process four times.

I got a tissue wet with some water and cleaned the freshly slit cuts on my wrists until they stopped bleeding. I chucked the tissue in the bin and laid down on my bed and cried myself to sleep.

A/N- first chapter! Let me know what you think.
Also if you are struggling with self harm please talk to someone and I promise it will get better

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