Chapter 6

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~Becks POV~
"What's wrong?" I nervously ask
"Jade is in a coma and I'm sorry to say this but it's a very serious one and she may never wake up" the nurse replied
My heart sunk. I'm not ready to let her go and now she might die.
"You don't mind us asking but what gas caused this" André asked, he had shed a few tears, we all have and still are
"It was carbon monoxide, it is also know as the 'silent killer" . It is colourless, odourless and tasteless, this causes vomiting, chest pain and dizziness; if enough is released into the air it can kill, in this case Jade got lucky that she's not dead" she  stated
"Lucky?! You think she's lucky that she's in a coma, unable to wake up and might never wake up ever again!" I exclaim
"Well she could be dead and she still has a chance of waking up" she tried to say as calmly as possible
"Sir, I understand you're upset but please watch your language and don't yell"
I storm outside of the hospital and kick the wall. A few minutes later, I see André, he approaches me.
"Hey man you okay?" He asks, his eyes are red, I can imaging how red and puffy mine are
"No! I fucking love Jade and I regret not getting there soon enough, it's all my fault and now she's gonna die and I'll never be able to tell her I love her ever again!" I cry
"Beck it's not your fault. We all love her, but no one has loved her like you and she still has a chance of waking up" he tries to make this situation better
"I know but it's a very small chance that many never happens and will need a miracle" I said, sliding down the wall to sit on the dirty floor
"They said we can see her in a minute but one at a time"
"Ok let's go inside then"

We walk back inside and sit down with the others and wait for the nurse to tell us we can see Jade now.

A few minutes later the nurse came back.
"You can see her now, only one at a time. When you talk to her she might be able to hear you, so talk to her it might help her heal. Now who's visiting first" she explains
Everyone turns to me.
"I will" I stand up and follow the nurse to Jades room

We arrive and she opens the door for me.
"I'll give you some privacy" she said and leaves

I glance over at Jade and instantly my eyes fill with tears. She's motionless and she's hooked up to so many machines. I walk towards the chair next to her bed and sit down. Her skin looks paler than usual, I hate seeing her like this. I intertwine our hands, they're so cold.
"Hey Jade, it's me. I'm sorry I didn't get there quick enough or answer your calls sooner. I love you and I'll always will nothing can change that. I hope you wake up soon, we all miss you." I choke out through tears. I just sit there for a few minute before leaving " bye Jade, I love you" I give her a kiss on the forehead and make my way to the others so that they can see her.

Sorry this is so short, the next chapter should be much longer, especially because of the way I plan on writing it.
Also side note love Taylor swifts new album

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