Chapter 7

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A/n- this whole chapter will be in Becks pov

Day one:
I made a promise to Jade that I'll visit her everyday, so that's what I'm going to do.
"Hi Jade, I didn't go to school today, I don't think any of us did, we're way to upset to face anyone at school. I Haven't slept since before what happened, I'm so tired but every time I turn off the lights to try to sleep my mind think of the worst thing that could ever happen to you, like you'll never wake up or you do but you never forgive me for not getting to you quick enough. My mom has helped though, she's being supportive and said I can stay off of school as long as want providing I do some school work at home. Everyone misses you, especially Cat and I, she hasn't stopped talking about you and I don't blame her, anyway I should probably get going, I'll see you tomorrow. I love you"

Day two:
I arrive at the hospital at 6pm and I only have an hour since visiting hours close at 7pm. I rush over to Jades room.
"Hi, sorry it's so late today, I was catching up with school work and lost track of time, we only have an our but it's better than nothing. Didn't do anything other than work today so nothing too exciting to tell you, if you can even hear this, I really hope you can. I think Cat visited you today, she was way to upset to do it yesterday and couldn't bring herself to look at you or otherwise she would probably faint from crying to much if that's even possible, I'm just saying what she said 'I can't see her today, I'll probably faint or fall into a coma like Jadey is from crying so hard' I laughed a bit but it's so sweet. The others are planning on seeing you some time this week. I still haven't slept but I'm sure you're getting plenty of it, something that you never get. I need to go now, I'll see you again tomorrow, I love you, bye"

Day three:
I arrived at the hospital as early as possibly so I can see Jade as much as I can today.
"I'm back, and I got here on the time visiting hours start so we can hang out as much as possible today. Yet again no sleep and it's starting to affect my life, I don't know how you managed to stay up all night for like a week. Coffee is probably what you'd say. I tried to go to school today but about 4am I started crying so I decided it'd be best not to."
I talk to her for another couple of hours, when I hear the door open.
"Oh hi beck" Cat said
"Hi cat, how you feeling today?" I ask her
"I don't think I've stopped crying for days, I haven't slept either, how you doing" she replies, with tears strolling down her face
"Same no sleep and non-stop crying"
Cat and I talked to Jade for the rest of the day until we were kicked out.
"Bye Jade, I love you"

Day four:
I get to the hospital around 4pm today giving me 3 hours with Jade.
"Hi Jade, believe it or not I managed to get one hour of sleep, it's not much but it's more than it has been in four days, hopefully I'll get more tonight but we'll see. None of us went to school today so instead we talked about our favourite things about you and memories we have with you that we'll never forget, Cat and I said the most, to be honest I couldn't choose, I think I said every core memory. Andre said he loves writing songs with you and signing, he said that when you wake up he wants to think about releasing a song to the public with you. Robbie said how he likes chatting to you in Literacy even though you guys get in trouble for it, he said that he wouldn't be able to go back and your not that, he also said that even though you're scary, he can trust you. Tori said she likes your, Cat and hers sleepovers and as much as you say you hate it, we all know that you love spending time with just you and the girls. Cat said so many things like the time you guys met, when you found out you both got accepted into Hollywood Arts, I think she said every single memory that you two have, I spoke about when we first met, when we had our first date, our first kiss, when we came exclusive, I would have said more but then it was time to come and see you. I'm going to go now but I'll see you tomorrow, I love you"

Day five:
I entered the hospital and sleepily made my way over to Jades room.
"Hey it's me, again. It's a Saturday so luckily no school, I'm not even going anyway so I don't know why I said luckily. I'm super tired so I might go early to get some sleep but I don't want to leave in case something happens"
About an hour later I fell asleep and was awoken by someone tapping my shoulder.
"Jade? Are you awake?" I ask
"No it's just me, it's time to go" the nurse said
"Oh right" I stand up and gather my stuff "bye Jade, I love you"

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