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I walk into chemistry with the burning rage of a thousand suns.

I approach Evy, sitting at her desk, completely oblivious to what is about to occur.

"You are a bitch. You hear me? You're a bitch!" I spit in her face.

A look of utter horror sprawls itself across her face as she's clearly holding in tears. Yeah. I've got her this time.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" She exclaims. Is she really that clueless?

"My shoe! You've ruined my shoe!" I screech. How stupid can she be?

"I haven't done anything to your shoe," she quietly urges.

We continue back and forth until Adde and Katie join in.

"What's happening with Jimotheé's shoe?" Katie asks.

"SHE STEPPED ON MY FUCKING SHOE YESTERDAY AND SHE WON'T ADMIT IT!" I cannot contain my fury now. My body is convulsing with rage. My skin feels so hot. My clothes are so restricting in this moment. But I cannot rip them off yet. Not until I have Weid alone...

"Jimotheé, I swear I didn't step on your shoe. It was Christopher." I gasp. How could this be true? No. I won't believe it. I shan't!

"Yeah Josh. It was Christopher. We all saw it yesterday," Adde states in agreement.

This cannot be the case. I must ask Christopher. Surely this isn't true.

Upon my questioning, Christopher proves me wrong. How can this be? Christopher? My Christopher? No. How can this possibly be?

I scurry back to my seat in defeat.

As if this wasn't enough, I was unable to sulk in peace. Evy and Katie sat on the floor, giggling about who knows what.

I do the only thing I could think to soothe me. I hug my knees, rocking back and forth, thumb in my mouth.

"What are you doing?" Weid questions.

"Trying not to lose my mind" I respond.

Katie and Evy continue to laugh at something on their chromebooks, getting progressively louder. What could be so funny on those damn screens?

"What are you guys laughing at?" I press.

"Your mom" replies Katie. How could she? I thought we were friends! It is apparent I have lost Katie to Evy's deadly grip.

"That's very offensive" I say, holding back tears. I can't believe she would disrespect my mother in such a way.

They continue to laugh. And laugh. And laugh. When will it end?

I decide to take matters into my own hands.

I take out my chromebook and hack into the school's network. I successfully lock Evy's chromebook out of the school's network. The laughter has turned into frustration and confusion. I'm literally the best.

I seem to be riddled with fear and worry today. Yesterday, Mr. Weid didn't notice my crisp shoes. Will he ever notice me?

To soothe my troubled mind, I make my way back to the lab station to make a cake. Surely this cake will win Weid's heart.

I use what I can find at the lab station and bake the cake using the Bunsen burner. I then decorated it with sodium chloride and some colorful paper bits I found on the floor. The only problem was that the cake was quite stale. It was nearly as hard as a brick.

I hope Weid doesn't notice...

I anxiously scuffle up to his desk to present the cake. He looks at it with utter disgust and slaps it out of my hands.

I am horrified.

Fighting back tears, I drop to the floor and hurriedly snatch the cake up.

I'll throw this through Evy's bedroom window tonight...

I stay low, crutching down to the ground. I'm all out of sorts.

"What's wrong?" My sweet Charlie asks.

"I'm just tired," I say. He mustn't know how I truly feel right now.

I yet again hear Katie and Evy's giggling. I glare at them in revulsion. Evy seems to notice this, as she turns back to look at me.

"You love us, Jim-jim."

"I hat you."

Katie chimes in with a silly question.

"What do you do when you get home, Jimotheé?"

"I do my homework, study, and then I go to sleep," I reply.

"Is that all?" She presses.

Christopher must have been eavesdropping, as he butts in, telling them my dirty secret.

"He plays Breath of the Wild 2022, an online wolf simulator. That's where he makes all his friends."

I can't believe him. This is the second time he's betrayed me. I weep. The weeping turns into shitting. My trousers are overflowing with shit at this point.

Like a chimp, I scoop out the shit from my cheeks. It's a stew of shit with pieces of the stale cake embedded inside. I then throw it at Evy. Take. That.

Mr. Weid giggles gently.

In an attempt to make him laugh again, I tell Katie to say "stuncee" backwards.

...the room went silent. Everyone stared. Was it really that bad?

Saving me from my misery, Mr. Weid sets some hand sanitizer on fire on top of his desk. He then consumes the bright flue flame, sending my heart fluttering. I gaze in awe at the steam escaping his warm lips.

How I wish those lips would touch mine...

He then hacks up a juicy loogie onto his desk. I suppose the flame was a bit too much for his sensitive tummy. I make a mental note to come back for it later.

In the meantime, I subtly flex my muscles, hoping to catch the attention of Weid. My efforts were in vain.

As the bell rings, I notice my desk is missing. It had to be Evy... I let out a distressed call and sprint after Evy on all fours. I make it to the end of the hall before remembering the loogie on Weid's desk.

I sprint back and slurp it up. I can taste hints of hand sanitizer as well as Weid's essence. Yum.

At home, I regurgitate the loogie to add it to my Weid shrine. What an excellent addition.

The Diary of Jimotheé GujjieWhere stories live. Discover now