Chapter 2 And

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There stood a mighty warrior of the underworld. She fought in the great wars, and she obtained great power. She isn't a fool however, she uses it wisely as the prince taught her. If she was nothing but a mere fool this whole place would be set ablaze by now. She was the dark prince's, right-hand man. The one he could rely on for a task for two. Her name, why it's none other than Sanity of course. She was heading up to the dark prince's place since she was once again called upon. She hasn't thought about what happened those years ago. Her anger turned into roses' ashes. She ran into her sister-like friend Ari. She was as sweet as she could be, seeing that she was one of the fallen ones.

"Hey, Sanity!"

She turned around to find the fallen one herself. The reason she fell had always been a mystery. She was always so nice and caring to everyone, even if they didn't deserve it. What went wrong?

"Oh, how's it hangin' Ari?"

"It's pretty good! I finally got the seeds for my plants!"

Out of her pocket, she showed Sanity three suspicious-looking seeds. All of them were different from each other. They didn't look like any old weeds she has seen before.

"Are these from that traveler guy?"

"Yeah, he seemed like a nice guy so I bought one seed and he gave me the other two for free! I couldn't believe it but today's my lucky day!"

Sanity sighed as she took a closer look at them. They didn't seem poisoned or messed with.

"Do you remember that one trick I showed you? Some travelers tend to trick people like us. It's like how the hidden ones above hide ashes in what they sell. Here they hide holy water or other things like that. That gives me an idea." 

"If you're still thinking about getting back at Dex then you're going to have to talk to Iris about that."

"Oh, so does he think he runs the place now?"

"I mean he does pay most of the bills-" 

"That was a hypothetical question. Anyways is Julie back from her vacation?" Sanity says switching the subject. 

"She was on vacation?" 

"She took one of her vacation days to see her parents didn't she." 

"Oh yeah, she did!" 

Sanity smiled and ruffled Ari's hair up a bit, instantly annoying her.

"Hey! Stop that!" 

"Whatever, just do what I tell you with those and I'll let you keep them. I have to talk to the price soon so I should head out." 

"Aren't you coming for dinner though?" Ari reminded her.

"Of course, I will. Just run along now alright." 

Ari nodded and the two ended up parting ways. Sanity took the usual route there. The guard allowed her in and she went to find the garden, which for some reason was one of his favorite places to be at. He says that the garden calms him and reminds him of the supposed "fall of man". It felt like he had some sort of purpose, not to cause misery (unless they deserved it) but to protect and train his people to protect themselves from others who might be in their way. Sanity being his right-hand man has almost as much power as he does in fights. Since every time she comes out of there victorious. Her skilled nature is what brought her there in the first place. Aside from details, she manages to find him with a very grim look on his face.

"Is there something wrong or do you always look like that." 

He turns around and sees her being her normal self. I mean why wouldn't she be acting normal?

"There you are Sanity, I have some things to tell you." 

"Well don't just stand there and tell me." Sanity demanded.

He sighs as he drags his fingers through some thorned vines, not being affected by the pain. He then looks at her and then back at his hand.

"The heavens want to work with you." 

Sanity was silent for a moment, taking it all in before laughing it off as nothing to worry about.

"Why would those bastards want anything to do with me? Is it because they have a job for me to get my hands dirty since they're too 'innocent' for that to be working alongside us now." 

"Am I a joke to you?" The prince replies sternly.

Sanity quickly read the atmosphere, he didn't seem like he was fooling around like any other day. He wasn't like this at all unless he was telling her to get her act together or when they were training together, which they don't do much anymore.

"I never said that you were, but you can't be serious right now. What do they want from us anyway?" 

"It's not about us, it's you that they want." 

"Me? Well, you're not just going to just let that happen aren't you?" Sanity looked into his eyes, them seeming not to fade out. "No, I don't want it. Tell them to find someone else."

"Your uncertainty is visible. Is it because of that angel you were talking to back then?"

He darkened his gaze as a sinister smile came across his face. He seemed serious about every word that escaped his mouth.

"It's not that! What if this is a trap to get answers out of me? Are you just going to let that happen?" 

"Watch the tone Sanity, I'm your superior," He said, "Also answers to what?" He asked with a curious glance as he kept his gaze hard and cold.

"Everything! How we live, what they do down here! How do I know you? Most of all, seeing that woman is the last thing I'd ever want to do, I'd rather be reborn than see her again." She said as she raised her voice.

He scowled as he stood up and inched towards her with a sinister look.

"That could be arranged, but I think you and I both don't want that," He said, "You're all on your own here dear friend, they're going to be here soon. So you better think of some way to get out of this." 

"Are you telling me to?-" Sanity began.

"Give them all you got, show them what my power is capable of," He said as he lowered his head and darkened his gaze, "Show them what true fear should look like." 

Sanity nodded before leaving him there. There she heads back to where her friends were, some warehouse where they discuss business and has dinner. There stood Julie, Iris, and Ari. Talking about something random, not knowing if the current situation Sanity is in. 

Though soon enough they will all know what's going to be upon them.

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