Chapter 16 The

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The two were confused when Sanity did this. Was this just her limit? She never hugged anyone as how she is with Robin. Sanity returns to her human form as if eyes were on her now. She knew that she couldn't tell him. It wouldn't be fair for him to find out like this.

"What's going on? Why are you hugging me?"

Sanity took in a deep breath as she let him go. Even though she didn't want to, she knew that she must. She needed to do things slowly, and carefully.

"It's nothing really, sorry about getting emotional. The good news is that something like this is reversible." She said wiping the tears from her eyes.

Sanity knew damn well that she couldn't cry. Not now. The eye is always watching, every move, every action. One wrong move and she'd be sent to the deep end. She can't be weak, weakness is her downfall. Sanity knew she was weak but this was a new low, even for her.

"Sanity are you sure that you're alright?" Dex asked with concern in her voice.

"I'm fine, just drop it, " She replies, watching the eye on her hand fade.

"Then what's up then?"

"Well um, it's just that he's a lucky soul that's all. We can't do anything about it tonight. When's the Blood Moon? Do you know?"

"It's supposed to be tomorrow night."

"Perfect. Now, what shall we do in such a short amount of time?"

"Well, there's an arcade around here. We could go do that."

"What's an arcade?" Dex asked.

Sanity and Robin looked over at her with shocked glances. How did she not go to an arcade before?

"Don't tell me that you've never been to an arcade before," Robin said.

"I've heard about it, never went there myself during my lifetime."


"Oh please, if you haven't noticed we're dead, her wings aren't fake, and my horns are real."

"So you two are my shoulder demon and angel then, or am I dead?" 

"In a sense, yes, but shoulders aren't comfortable as they may seem." Sanity replies. "And no you're not technically dead yet, your life was interesting to look at though."

"That's fair I guess."

"What does an arcade do?" Dex asked.

"Well, you know what. Robin, you said there's an arcade around here right?" 

"Yeah, we could head over now if you'd like." 

"Sounds fun, but are you sure you can handle it?" 

"Of course, let's go." 

With that being said Robin took his bag and slung it over his shoulder. The three got into the car. Robin trusted with driving but the keys were in the ignition. Sanity was in the front seat, automatically setting her feet on the dashboard. Dex just sat in the back seat, in the middle so she wouldn't feel awkward on either side. It was a short drive there, the music was different than it was back then when Sanity and Dex were alive. They both were in the living world in the early 2000s so it only made sense when the music had changed in its pace. Whether it was good or not wasn't in their favor. They are not the ones living in it. Out the window the city's lights were barely visible, it wasn't even sunset yet. It all just looked like your average city. Tourists roamed around as if they have somewhere to be, scammers and thieves, and people making their daily commute. When they arrived the car came to a stop and they got out.

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