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riddler pov !
"i will follow him" blared in his house, he hummed the words as he took his phone around the house, he slowly scrolled through the social media page, @apolloswreck.

riddler pov !"i will follow him" blared in his house, he hummed the words as he took his phone around the house, he slowly scrolled through the social media page, @apolloswreck

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he then stared at the page, and he thought that same face at the top of the page looked familiar.
that face was the face he saw everyday at the corner of the street he was on.
that was the face of the house he sat outside of for 3 hours.


10:32 AM, sunday.

"ill call you back." Apollo heard that voice from behind the door, "hello?" the person opened the door, "oh.. hello apollo." the mom said, welcoming the babysitter into the home.
"right now, hes in the play room. he'll be out soon, but ill be doing errands." the mom in a towel says, as apollo quickly nods, then say on the couch.

"TOBY GET DOWN HERE" the mom yelled, smoking half a cigarette while screaming for her kid, the kid called toby began to walk downstairs in a rush, his hair was slicked back and his teeth were brushed, shiny clean.

"oh come on, who are you impressing" the mom said with a raspy tone, glaring to her kid, "alright, i'll be back soon." the mom grabbed her keys, and headed out the door.
"so.. what do you like to do?" apollo turned to toby, smiling lightly waiting for a response, "erm.. we could play with my toy cars?" the kid, toby looked up to his babysitter, apollo, with his face brightened .
"yeah! yeah, sure." apollo said smiling, then sitting on the floor playing with the boys cars.

edward was on his phone until a notification blared on his phone, from apollos instagram saying apollo had updated their story.
he clicked the notification quickly, to a sight with a child.

he clicked the notification quickly, to a sight with a child

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@apolloswreck. me and this kid im babysitting 👺


edward would take his time scrolling though the comments to make sure no guy was under there, thankfully there wasn't, instead their was just women praising apollo, but at the end of the comments there the men where, he started attacking them with his comebacks.

4:30 PM

"i appreciate ya angel" the mom smiled at apollo, "anytime! just call me" apollo politely smiled back, then softly closed the front door, he started heading to their second job, the cafe.
the cafe seemed to be busy the day he clocked in, but he had to go anyway discarding his social anxiety, his sneakers scuffed against the cement as he walked in the staff only entrance.
"i haven't seen you in a while!" apollos coworker, brianna spoke mixing with a country accent, "yeah, aha" apollo forced out a nervous laugh, then he grabbed the order of a coffee requested with a custom question mark on it.

"here you goo.." apollo crouched down to the table handing the customer his order of custom coffee.
"thank you." the man spoke out, as apollo looked up to him their eyes locked, causing eye contact for about 4 seconds, "is there anything else i could get you tonight?" a smirk spread across apollos face, "oh- um.. im fine." the other man stuttered, easily falling in love with apollo, "alright then, i'll be back with ur check, in the mean time enjoy yourself!" apollo spoke positively, trotting back to the staff only.

he quickly got the mans bill, then walked back to the table, he softly put the bill down, looking into his soft eyes, "thank you for coming once again!" apollo smiled, taking the bill back "thank you.." the man eyed apollo up and down while he was walking back to the staff only, the door bell quickly went off, as apollo sighed.

6:00 pm.

i was stuck thinking about that apollo, the way he spoke the amount of times we locked eyes, he was too smooth and kind.
he doesn't deserve this world honestly, he seemed really sweet, but i guess thats just the first feeling of meeting someone, i quickly played "mr lover man" by Ricky Montgomery, or atleast i thinks that's how you'd spell it.
i was working on a project involving apollo, id put polaroids from across the web of apollo on my wall, there was a heart sketched out before hand, i quickly grabbed my glue gun as it has been burning for a minute, i quickly glued the photos onto my wall of apollo, i backed up and finally looked at my work, i unplugged my hot glue gun, the sighed in relief.

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