chapter 2

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Soooooo this chapters a short one but the next one is gonna make up for it! It's going to be amazing!!!!! Read! Comment and vote it up guys!!!!! Tell you friends and all!! Taa guys!!

-Kat&Em x


Crap, shit what have I done to him? Has he broken any ribs, arms legs? Shit do they need to be decapitated so he has to have prosthetics? Worse did I tear his face off? Wait no that's not possible... The nurse stopped my thoughts 'are you okay dear? You look like you've seen a ghost?' 'What, no I'm fine just a tad.. Anxious' 'well I think we need to check you out, just to make sure you're okay' I didn't give her any time to breathe after she said that 'no, no I'm perfectly peachey, I'm fine no damage done here' I'm only saying this because I don't want them seeing my scars, and then tell my parents.. Well its not like my parents would care anyway

My parents don't care about anything that happens to me. It's all about Jonah. 'Ooooo jonah this, jonah that!' Only because he's becomming a doctor! Well... They'll see! One day I'll make it bigger than him! They don't know what I'm capable of! The only person that really knows is Esmee.... She's my best friend. My other half! We are partners in crime! If she's ever in trouble I'm always there by her side sharing the blame... I remember one we crashed her dads car.... It was brand new aswell! Brand new porsche... Imagine that eh?


"No! Es stop it! Your going to crash! Open your eyes and put your hand BACK on the steering wheel you mong!"

"Oh! You spoil sport! You should try it! It's so fun! It's like the car's driving it's self! Just once more!" She begged

"Fine you weirdo!" I sighed

She closed her eyes and took her hands off the steering wheel

"Wee!!!!!!!!!" She laughed. I let out a little giggle that grew into a fit of laughter! We knew we were weird and lived life on the edge but we liked it that way!

"See it's not that-"


Es and I were jolted forwards but no damage was done to us.

"Oh shit tori! We hit a tree!! What the fuck am I going to tell my dad?!" Es cried

"Right! I've got a plan! We leave the car here, tell him someone stole it and then we are fine! It's notl ike he can't get a new one is it? Your family is stinking rich!" A laughed

"Great thinking!" She ruffled my hair and got out of the car.

*out of flashback*

"Miss Yeoman? Would you like to go through and see him? He should come round in a few minutes I expect?" The nurse said stuffin papers into the folder in her hand and walking away

'Ohhhh shit! I'm going to have to tell him what I did? He's going to hate me! It's not like I'm going to see him again so it won't matter but still! Oh god sake!' I wander slowly into the room he's in.

He's laying there. His chest slowly rising and falling with every breath he takes.

*The Boy's P.O.V*

My eyes slowly peel open and I'm met with a very unfamiliar face

"Are you one of the nurses?" I asked in a croaky voice

"Umm.. No... I....uh.... I'm the reason your here" I jolted up and was met by an agonising pain in my back and noticed a cast on my arm.

"Shit! What happened?!"

"Well...I was driving and you came out of nowhere! And I kind of.... Accidentally hit you. But I am so sorry! If I could have dodged you, trust me I would have! I'm so sorry! Should I go? You probably want me out of here, I hope you get better soon..." She turned to leave

"WAIT! I...uh.... I wanna know.... What were you doing out at 3 in the morning?" I asked curiously.

She turned on her heels and looked at me with a look of confusion plastered on her face

"Why do you want to know that?"

"Well.... I know what I was doing, and I didn't know there was anyone else that goes out that early in the morning. So... What were you doing?" I asked again

"Well... I go out at 3 every morning because I can never sleep. What were you doing out of bed so early?" She replies, one eyebrow raised.

"Well, I'm new here and I couldn't sleep so I decided to explore the town a bit, clear my head you know?" I told her shrugging my shoulders

"I hope you don't mind me asking but... Why do you have to clear your head?"

"Ahhh, just leaving my friends behind, having to break up with my girlfriend, the though of starting a new school, I know I will only be there for a year but stress of new exams and stuff"

*Tori's P.O.V*

Great. I finally thought I'd met someone like me? Someone that only went out to take my mind off of real problems. Obviously not.

"What school are you going to do you know?" I asked as politely as I could

"Ermm... The city of wolver hampton college? You know it?"

"Yeah! I go there! So your in the 2nd year of sixth form too then?" I tried to sound happy with a forced smile on my face, but truthfully, I was dying inside. I would have to see him everyday. Face what I'd done to the poor boy.

"Yeah! So I'll be seeing more of you then?" He chuckled

"I guess so yeah" I smiled for real this time. Something about his laugh that made me smile? What is this? We ended up talking for about an hour, laughing and joking around until the nurse came in

"Right, we have run tests and you will be fine, a bit of bruising to your back and your arm is broken but you will be fine, you can leave when you like, have you got someone we can call to pick you up? Mum dad?" The nurse asked

"Uh no! My mum and dad can't know, I don't want them to know, I'll just hide it and say I fell over at school.... Please miss, the can't know!" He pleaded

"Hmmm... Well.... Ok. Your secrets safe but how are you going to get home?" Asked the nurse

"Uh... I'll take him home?" I looked over at him with a look to say 'why not?'

"Yeah.... That'll be nice" he smiled. He quickly threw on his baggy jeans and jack wills top, ruffled his brunette shaggy hair, pushed it to the side and I showed him to my car.

"Sorry about that love" he said pointing to the little dent in the front of my car

"Ohmigod! I'm so sorry!" I slaped my hand over my mouth in shock

He chuckled "don't worry about it" and he got into the car.

"We'd better get you home, first day of school today eh?" I checked the clock and it was quarter to 6.

~outside his house~

Hold crap! That's one nice house! It's huge!

"Yeah my parent's shouldn't be up for another half hour so they won't notice I was gone, I might just get ready, leave them a not and take another wander round until school starts?" He climbed out of the car, shut the door and leaned his head through the open window

"Don't go getting hit by more cars eh?" I joked

"Haha, and you don't go hitting more people! Haha, thanks for the lift, see you round love" and he went into his house. I really hope I don't have to see too much more of that boy! I'll feel too bad! Ahhh.... Better get back, dad will flip! And with that I started on my short drive home planning my excuse that I was going to tell my dad.


Hope you enjoyed it guys!!!! Having a bit of fun with the next chapter! Anyways! Comment and vote it up!! Do it! Tell all your friends!! Taa!!

-Kat&Em x

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