Chapter 5

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woah...okay so it has been so long since this story has been i thought i'd give it a try? why not eh? :) enjoy...

-Kat x


I pressed the lock button on my phone to check for messages. Nothing. i thought at least by now that Es would have tried to have contacted me? By now it was 8 o'clock and it had been 2 hours since she came by to 'boast' about her amazing time with Luke. I mean, she is my best friend after all? We have been through so much and to lose her over a boy is ridiculously childish? I thought we were stronger than all that? Obviously not.

There was a delicate tap on my door.

"Victoria, honey, your dinner is ready and waiting for you downstairs," my mum said poking her heads round the door.

"Thanks mama," I smiled weakly and slid off my bed.

"Baby bear, what's wrong?" She asked, with a look of concern and sincerity on her face, as she manoeuvred herself around my door and over to me.

"Nothing mum, just boys are stupid. and so are girls and I’m going to die alone with no friends or family."

"i hope not. i want grand kids!" she laughed.

"Mum" i chuckled nestling my face into her neck as her arms rested around me

"I’m serious, friends and boys can all suck it!" my voice was slightly muffled because of her fluffy jumper.

"Well if it's Esmee you're talking about then you know i can have a chat with Claire, see what's going on. As for this boy situation, I’m not going to ask if you don’t want to tell me that's fine but let me tell you. Boys have strange ways of showing girls they care, but trust me, if they really care, they’ll come back no matter what." she smiled warmly then smacked my bum.

"Now c'mon. Dinners getting cold."

With that she left my room also leaving a smile on my face. it sounds cheesy but no matter who i meet in my life or however angry i can get with my mum or however angry she gets with me, she will always be the best friend i could ask for.

After dinner i decided I’d just go to bed and try to forget about today. My mum was on the phone to Es' mum as i drifted off to sleep.

That morning I’d decided on a plain white long sleeve top, jeans, my ugg boots, a grey scarf with a matching grey beanie as the temperature was starting to drop daily. I decided against makeup as i had no one to impress and i let my hair just flow naturally.

i checked the time to make sure i wasn't going to be late. 8:00am. Good, I still had 45 minutes to get to school even though it only took about 15. i grabbed my lunch, keys and kissed my mum goodbye, even though she was in one of her moods again.

i got in my car and drove down to the river. I thought I'd better not go on another drive. I get another stalker.

When i got to the car park by the river i saw a car containing a familiar individual. Luke. But i wasn’t going to let him ruin my day when it had barely even begun so i just parked as far away from him as i could and prayed that he wouldn't notice that it was me in the car. Too fucking late.

He got out of his car and before i could put my car in gear to drive away he had knocked on the window and jammed his foot behind my front wheel, and as much as i wanted to, i wasn’t going to run him over again. I sat looking straight ahead at the river for a few minutes until his persistent knocking got on my last nerve. I rolled down my window.

"What the fuck do you want?"

"To talk, can i get in?"

"You aren’t going to ruin my day Luke I wo-"

"Just let me get in." he interrupted

I unlocked the passenger door and he slid in. We sat in silence for a few minutes until I spoke up.

"What do you want?" I snapped

"Calm down. i just came to explain everything. Everything with Esmee, everything with you and just everything."

"What is there to explain? You fucked my best friend while trying to make me feel 'special'" I said, adding a roll of my eyes.

"No but I didn't! It’s weird, I’m weird! But... you see, I was angry! and I knew you had given me Esmee’s number to I called her, and I promised her I would hook her up with one of my friends from back home. She agreed because I told her it was to make you realise that you actually like me? She didn’t mean to upset you at all and I know you didn’t mean to upset her. I can live with the fact that you might hate me but you mean everything to Esmee. She told me that she misses you but as you may know she never has the balls to say the first word. She doesn’t know I’m here but you need to talk to her, tell her you understand and everything? I don’t know how you girls make up but i know that you and Esmee need to.  As for you and me. You can hate me, i mean you have all the right to hate me, but you need to know that I won’t stop helping you realise that you like me. I'll keep coming back to remind you, and when you finally realise. You know where to come" he handed me his number.

Silence. I took the number and we sat in silence as my mother's voice ran through my head

‘Boys have strange ways of showing girls they care, but trust me, if they really care, they’ll come back no matter what.' The same sentence just went round in my head over and over. In the corner of my eye I saw Luke get out of the car

"Luke wait!" he turned round to look at me "thank you." i added with a smile "it really means a lot that you'd do this"

"Anytime" he shrugged and went back to his car.

I looked at the clock and it was 8:30am so i put my car in gear and sped off down the road for school.


sooo....that was my wild stab in the dark at writing a chapter on my own? comment and tell me what you think? fan and vote too :) thanks guys :)

-Kat x

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