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The boy questions me once again, after I don't respond the first time, "Wheeler?"

I stare at him.

He stares at me.

I don't know what to do. I don't want him here.

"Can I help you?" my attempt at acting confident fails miserably when my voice cracks as I speak.

Eddie understands the message that I don't want to talk about it. He lightly nods and turns on his heel, starting to walk to his car.

"Wait-" I say, just then I realize no matter how much I hate him, I still don't feel ok, and I need help, especially after what I just saw. I can't possibly let that nightmare come back.

He completely stops in his tracks and turns his head around, making eye contact with me.

His face looks tired, worn out, like he just lost an argument. Why was he even here? I've never seen him at any other parties before, and believe me, I go to a lot of parties.

There's no chance any of his nerd friends are at this party, so what made him make the choice to attend this one?

When I don't say anything else, he tilts his head, waiting for my answer. He can definitely tell I'm drunk.

I snap out of my thoughts, and back into reality.

"I need-" I can't seem find the words.

"Can you find-" Im still so worked up about the vision I just had, that I jumble up all of my words, making my sentences come out in gibberish.

I try and take a deep breath.

He sees what's happening and now turns his whole body around. A puzzled look covers his face and I can't help but stop trying to talk, embarrassing myself more and more by the second.

He starts to slowly take steps towards me as I sigh and eventually zone out, staring at a neighbors fence before me.

He squats down next to me, his face inches from mine.

A ringed hand waves in front of my face. "Wheeler? You good there?" he continues to swat his hand inches from my face.

I can feel the alcohol wearing off, but it's definitely still in my system. My vision continues to blur and my headache bounces
around my skull.

"What's going on in there?" he gestures towards my head. "Are you okay?" he asks for what feels like the sixth time.

I'm not sober but I'm definitely more sober than I was five minutes ago.

My conscious is kicking in and I'm sober enough to know that it's not normal for Eddie Munson, my rival, to want to know if I am okay.

I suddenly turn my head to him, causing him to flinch a little.

"Why do you care?" I softly ask him with my face as solid as a rock.

I can feel the dried tear streaks stretch as I move my cheeks to speak. My face feels hot and I'm aware that I look like a wreck, but at this point, I don't care.

He opens his mouth to respond, but it just hangs open. He closes it quickly and swallows, then looks around, thinking about something.

Without saying a word, he gets up from his squatting position and turns back around, continuing to his car like he wishes he would've done in the first place.


I feel my eyelids flutter open.

Where am I?

A light almost blinds me as I completely open my eyes.

The light is coming through blinds. Blinds on a window. A window with hanging plants surrounding it.

My window.

I'm in my bedroom, with no clue how I got here.

I tilt my head down. Im in a black dress, with ruffled ends at the bottom of it. The dress I wore to the party. Was that party last night?

I make an attempt to sit up, causing me to immediately groan in pain. I quickly lay back down.

My throat feels like it's blazing. My cheeks are burning up. My head feels like someone put a tight band around it. I infer that I must be a little hungover.

I make another attempt to sit up, this time swinging my legs over the side of my bed. I look around, for any clues left of how I ended up back home, and how.

Everything looks normal, exactly how it should be. Although, something feels missing, missing from me.

I slowly make my way to my vanity, looking at myself in the mirror.

Oh god.

Mascara smudges under my eyes, and my hair sticks out in every place it can. My eyes have a red glossy ring around them, and the corners of my mouth are stained.

Im not sure what exact drink stained it, but from looks of the faint red, its most likely spiked punch.

I look down, past my face, and that's when I realize what's missing.

My pendant!

My moonstone pendant necklace is missing from it's usually spot around my neck. That necklace had been hugging my neck since my freshman year!


The tan-line it left looks bare and lonely.

"Shit!" I curse my own stupidity to lose it at that party. I suddenly get a waft of my own breath and I almost get knocked out by the reek of alcohol it carries.

I realize I have to find out how I got home.

I make my way over to the telephone sitting on my desk, and I dial Chrissy's number. It's memorized on my fingertips at this point.

I put the phone up to my ear, listening to the multiple rings.

"Hello?" she picks up.

"Chrissy! Hey, it's me, Isabelle." I quickly inform her.

"Oh hey! You doing ok? Last night you were looking a little, uh.. rough." She finally finds a word to describe the condition I was in last night.

"Yeah about that," I start, "This may sound stupid but, how did I get home? I don't remember a thing." I say, holding my breath as I wait for her answer.

I might pass out from lack of oxygen if she doesn't answer soon. Why isn't she responding?

"Chrissy?" I ask once again.

"That Munson kid came into the house telling me that you needed to be taken home that instant." she blurts out.

"What?!" I can't believe my ears while trying to process her words.

"I don't remember a lot of it, but Jason and his goons gave Eddie a hard time by questioning him about why he was with you. They eventually tried to kick him out of the party but Eddie wouldn't leave until he confirmed with me that I would take you home." she slowly explains.

"You took me home?" I ask for conformation.

"Jason and I did, yes." she replies.

"I have to go." I quickly say and hang up before I can hear Chrissy beg for me to stay on the phone.

Eddie made sure I got home? Why the fuck does he care? I don't even remember having any interactions with him. Did something happen between us at the party? What is going on?!

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