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"What exactly are we looking for?" I ask, while watching my step as I dodge logs and plants.

"I'm not sure," Eddie says, a couple feet ahead of me, "my intuition just told me to go this way."

I scoff at his response, "Your intuition? Seriously?"

"Hey, never doubt Eddie Munson's intuition." he defends himself.

"Did you actually just talk about yourself in third person?" I laugh, "And for all I know, you're leading us farther into the forest, getting us more lost."

I look at him ahead of me and he just simply shakes his head.

I turn my head back towards the ground, making sure to avoid stepping on anything that isn't leaves.

As I'm looking down, I don't notice that Eddie has stopped in front of me, and has put his arm out as a signal for me to stop moving.

I blindly run into his outstretched arm, causing me to look up.

He looks alerted as he snaps his head around in search for something.

"What are you-" I begin to ask, but I'm soon cut off by a jeweled hand covering my lips.

"Shut up!" he whisper yells, continuing to scan the area, "I hear voices."

I quickly smack away the hand, refusing to let the boy treat me like that.

He looks at me with furrowed brows at my reaction, completely judging me.

I roll my eyes, ignoring the brunette and trying my best to listen to the voices. I can't really make out what they're saying, but I can tell which way they're coming from.

Eddie must be thinking the same thing because he's already walking towards them, which leads us up a hill.

As we slowly come over the hill, I spot a Porta Potty, and it hits me that this is a construction site we've come up on.

Eddie turns his head around, looking me straight in the eye with a smirk, "Never doubt Eddie's intuition."

"My bad." I sarcastically respond, causing him to smile at me.

I turn my attention back to the site in front of me, as does he.

"I have an idea," he looks back at me, "stay here."

Before I can say anything in objection, he's already gone, squatting low as he creeps up on a table. I watch him as he grabs something off of the table and quickly turns around, sprinting back in my direction.

He reveals the object and my eyes are met with a walkie-talkie. I immediately understand his plan. My eyebrows raise and a slight smile spreads across my face in astonishment at the boys intelligence.

We quickly run back down the hill whenever we hear sudden voices yelling from the construction site, not knowing if they're yelling at us or not.

Adrenaline pumps through my blood as we laugh at ourselves. I mean, we just stole from a construction site and now we're on the verge of getting caught.

We eventually slow down once we're down the hill, catching our breath. Our laughter dies down as I put my hands on my knees, resting.

"Wait wait wait," I say, standing up and looking around, "which way did we come from?"

The nature around me seems to repeat over and over. The trees all look the same, and leaves and twigs cover the ground everywhere I look.

I now realize that it might have been a good idea to keep track of our pathway somehow.

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