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~ Evelyn

I've only been living in Melbourne for about 2 months but I can honestly say I've never seen it rain this hard. I don't mind the rain but the shop is closing up and I don't want to walk home in the rain. I guess I could hang around after closing and organize stuff or clean just until the rain stops. This felt good. I got to work and live my own life, independently. I didn't get to do that when I was living back home even though I'm 19 years old and am totally capable of taking care of myself like I've been doing here. Of course my parents were completely against me moving all the way to Australia not knowing anyone here but in the end they gave in and let me go.

Even though my parents and I think very differently and argue often they still love me of course. Especially my mom who is super over protective and calls me almost every day. When she calls we don't talk for very long, she usually asks how I'm doing and I tell her the same thing every time and I ask her how everyone at home is and she always says that everyone's good but then subtly mentions something that would persuade me to come back home. That's what I don't like about my parents. They agreed to let me pack up my bags and move across the world but they don't even sound the least bit supportive, they make it clear that they don't believe that I can make it on my own. They make it their job to prove me wrong so I can go back home. They don't have any faith in me what so ever. Speak of the devil, my mom was calling.

"Hey mom" I sighed into the phone.

"Eve, hi. How are you? How's everything?" she said sounding concerned.

"I'm fine mom. Everything's fine." I assure her.

"Ok look" she says seriously before continuing.

"I'm not gonna beat around the bush here. You already know that your father and I aren't exactly pleased that you've moved, and I've told you many times that you're welcome back any time. But this time I really mean it. You should come home now" she says kindly.

"What? No. This is my home. I live here now. I left for a reason I'm not coming back anytime soon" I said sternly.

"Listen I've told you many times that you don't have to do this. You don't need to do this. I don't know what kind of rebellious phase your going through in which you felt the urge to suddenly move out but what have you earned from that. I mean look at you. You work in an old record store and probably earning minimum wage, and you live in a cheap apartment all alone. Soon that little job of yours isn't going to pay the bills and put food on the table"

"Mom I'm not coming back. I can survive on my own. I'm 19 I don't need to be treated like a baby anymore" I said to her.

"You have everything here. You can start university now and then get a real job and after marriage then you can move out. I'll have someone book a flight for you back here. I'll email you the details. I expect you to be home in a month" she demanded before hanging up. I groaned as I turned off my phone and set it down on the counter. I wish I had a flip phone so I could angrily close it. My attention turned back to my phone as the screen lit up with a text, from my mom.

'I mean it' it read.

I hate when she mentions university or school at all. My whole life I've been trying my hardest in school, I wasn't any goody two shoes but believe me I tried. I was also a fast learner so it made school easier for me. When I was a kid I always believed that I would get into the best school after high school, get the best job and make my parents proud. And I know that my parents believed that too. But if I got into the best school, if I got the best job I would want to earn it myself. And most of my life I thought I would. See my family is ridiculously rich, not famous or anything, just rich. As a kid I was always spoiled with toys and clothes and what not. But I appreciated all of it, I didn't turn into a bratty rich kid because I thought I was living the same life as everyone else my age. When I started school I realized that wasn't the case. That a lot of people don't live like I do. And I felt for them, but at my age I thought that there was nothing I could do. I promised myself to work hard and make sure my own kids get the life they deserve.

I was very successful throughout my school years while still enjoying my life as a teenager. In the 11th grade I had everything planned out. I knew exactly how I was going to move on next and what school I was going to apply for. Senior year I had gotten a letter saying that I was accepted into my dream school. In that moment I knew all my years of hard work and dedication finally paid off. I was so proud of myself. I was proud of myself for deserving this. But in everyone else's eyes, I got into the school because my parents had the money.

Everything started to go down hill, I realized nobody cared about who I am on the inside. They only care about who I am because of my wealthy family. I never liked my families lifestyle. It wasn't fair, but this was it. I decided that I was going to take a year off and live on my own. Away from my family environment. I've always wanted to visit Australia, so why not move there.

You can imagine the look on my Dads face when I told him. It was as if I told him I was pregnant and was running away with my baby daddy. I said that I would decide if I wanted to move back after that year. I knew I would eventually have to go back, but no way would I have planned it this soon. I guess I could do something to prove that I'm responsible. Who am I kidding? What can I do in only one month that can drastically change my parents decision.

My phone lit up again with another text, but not from my mom.

'The stores closing right? I'll come get you in about 5 minutes'

Calum was really my only friend here. I don't go out much since I don't know where anything is, therefore I don't meet a lot of people. Calum always tries to take me out but I always say that I want to get used to everything first. I guess that won't be happening anymore.

It was 10 to 7 which means I still have a few minutes left. As for serving customers I don't do a lot around here. The shop is usually busier on weekends but other than that only a few people come in here and there. When there's no work to be don around here I just sit around and listen to music, so it's pretty nice I guess.

I quickly replied to Calum and put my phone in my purse which was under the counter. As I was doing so I heard the chimes above the door meaning somebody had just walked him. Calum never gets here that fast. I looked up and saw that it wasn't Calum. My eyes were met with a tall blonde boy who was drenched from the rain and had looked like he had ran in here.

"Hello there" I said smiling, greeting him. He stumbled we he turned around and finally noticed me.

"Oh, hi" he said shyly. He stumbled around and looked uncomfortable since he was soaking wet.

"Um do you need a towel?" I asked.

"Yes, please" he said laughing at himself.

I went into the back to see if we actually had towels here. Thank god Clive had put some in the closet. Clive was the owner of the store, at first it was just him and his son, Derek working here. But one day when I came in he told me they could use some help around and I told himI needed the job. I've been here since then.

I walked back out to the blonde haired boy the towel.

"Oh thanks.....uh"

"Evelyn" I finished.

"Evelyn, I like that" he said as a grin spread across his face. I smiled and mumbled a quick thank you. I was about to walk away when he spoke up again.

"I'm Luke"

A/N: heyyyy guyss. So I did end up updating before Him was over. I'll keep updating but they'll be slow since I'm still working on my Michael fanfic. Also sorry that this chapter is kind of short, I just wanted to get it started so new chapters will definitely be longer :)


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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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