2. Homecoming Part 2

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"T. Wake up!" Rachel says shaking me awake.

"Huh? What?" I sleepily mumble.

"Its happening again." Rachel says she grabs the notebook and pen and starts drawing crosses.

"Rachel stop, drawing crosses isn't going to stop it." I open my eyes. Dick is no where to be seen and Rachel runs into the bathroom after looking in the mirror. Here we go again. I think to myself. Rach locks herself in the bathroom and I start to get out of bed. I walk to the bathroom door and unlock it with my mind. Dick walks in and sees Rachel freaking out and me standing over her.

"Whats going on?" Dick asks. Rachel cries and hugs him. Dick covers all the mirrors in the room and turns off the TV. Rachel explains the best she can of what's going on with her.

"There's something evil inside me and I can't control it." Rachel cries.

"Rach, it's your powers activating. For me I was on the bathroom floor crying for three straight days." I tell her.

"I'M NOT YOU!" She yells. "You're not born evil."

"Neither are you!" I snap back.

"Girls calm down. We're figuring this out together." Dick says. "Now we should get out of here, but I know some place we can go." Dick says. "Plus it would be nice to see your little brother."

"My little brother?" I ask confused.

"Yeah I've been meaning to talk to you about that." Dick says. Rachel, Dick and I get into his porche and drive out of Michigan.

"So do you always plan on spontaneous long road trips, or do you just like doing spur of the moment things?" I sarcastically ask my dad.

"T. Just calm down okay? This is the one place that I know could help Rachel." Dick says.

"You know you can't lie to me right?" I tell him. "I can see your every thought. And you can't just make her someone else's problem."

"Tara, its not that simple. And I'm not making Rachel their problem. It's just for a little bit, you know. To lay low for a bit." Dick tries telling me. I look in the back seat and see Rachel passed out.

"When we get to our first pit stop. I'm letting you two have a little time to talk. I'll be doing my own thing for a bit." I tell him.

"Yeah? Like what?" Dick asks me.

"Like explaining to a very cute boy why I had to pack up and leave in the middle of the night without saying goodbye to anyone. But not tell him the truth obviously." I tell Dick.

"A cute boy huh? Like a boyfriend?" Dick asks.

"No, the last guy I dated I had to break his heart and mine." I say staring out the window.

Dick sighs and pulls into a diner's parking lot. "Well lets get some breakfast." Dick says putting the Porsche in park.

"Rach. Open your eyes." I say gently waking her. The three of us enter the diner and get seated. "So your friends huh? Where are they?"

"Somewhere you two can be safe." Dick says. The waitress hands us three menus and Rachel stares out the window.

"Lets just hope that no one wants to kill me here." Rachel says.

"Dude, no one wants you dead. They just want to kidnap you and use your for your powers." I reiterate to her.

"Still, I don't want my powers. I don't want to use them." Rachel says.

"Rach it's not a matter of if you want them or if you want to use them. It's a matter of if they're going to force you to use them to bring forth a demon who they think is their God!" I snap. "You specifically have the power to either save worlds or destroy them. I really see you doing the former, because you're not evil enough to destroy them."

"How would you know?" Rachel cries.

"Cause Rach, I can see inside of you. I see your deepest desires, all you want to do is help people. You're not born evil and you can control your own destiny." I explain to my frightened friend. I've never been good at making people feel better, but I figure spilling facts would make her understand more and feel a little better.

"Girls, enough. We're here to figure out our next moves." Dick says. "Now T. you've already figured out what these people want, now it's just a matter of how to keep Rachel safe and not let them win."

"Well running and fighting as little as possible has worked so far." I mumble under my breath.

"Tara, we can't run forever and sooner or later we're going to have to fight them." Dick says.

"I-I would rather not." Rachel admits.

"Well whether you want to or not you're going to have to." Dick says. "Both of you are."

"Let's keep my past, in the past." I snap back. "But let's talk to your friends and maybe get a second opinion."

"We can do that." Dick says. He pays for our bill and Rach and I get into the Porsche.

"So where are these friends at?" Rachel asks.

"D.C." I reply sharply. I fucking hate going to D.C. Every time I've gone to D.C. it's been hell. Well for starters, D.C. is where Slade tortured me for two years. Then I bounced around from place to place, learning and killing people till I finally had enough. For someone who's only had one year of regular school, I know more about the world than someone who's been in school their entire life.

"Why did you sound so pissed?" Rachel presses.

"Rachel, can we please not talk about it? It's just a reminder of a dark time in my life." I tell the goth girl who's emotions are already running too high to even register on a scale.

"Tara at some point, you're going to have to talk about your life." Rachel says.

"And when that time comes I will, but until then, let's just leave what happened in the past." I tell her.

"Well, let's hit the road." Dick says getting in the car and starting it up. We drive for a couple of hours until we hit an apartment complex in D.C. "We're here."

"They live in an apartment?" I ask him.

"Yeah, they wanted to lay low." Dick says. "Especially after everything."

"So friends you haven't seen in a while?" Rachel asks in a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah." Dick says walking into the building. Rachel and I follow him to the top floor and he knocks at a door at the end of the hall. I roll my eyes as a female with platinum blonde opens the door.

"Dick?" She says in a surprised voice.

"Hi." Dick says with a hurt smile.

"Daddy!" A little boy says rushing towards him.

"Hey buddy." Dick says opening up his arms and wrapping him in a hug. This kid can't be older than five years old. "Hey, daddy needs to talk to mommy really quickly okay?" Dick asks letting him go. The little boy nods and runs back inside.

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