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It took her a while to sit up on the bed properly. She covered her naked body with the blankets and stared outside the window. The rain was pouring hard and it was dark enough to hide her shyness after that intimate moment she shared with him. It was their second anniversary as a couple and they finally decided to surrender themselves to each other. The warmth of his presence was enough for her to go back to his side. A strong muscular arm snaked around her waist and pulled her closer.

"Why don't you sleep more?" He whispered as he was still half-asleep. Her fingers traced the bite mark she left on his shoulder and she blushed furiously. He hugged her gently and she wrapped her arm around his shoulders before leaving a kiss on his forehead.

"The sound of the rain is a little distracting." She answered and he shifted from his position to take a seat. He guided her on top of him as his other hand was busy caressing her skin. She shivered and she whispered to him that they should go back to sleep instead.

"The sound of the rain is a little distracting." He repeated her words to appeal from her urge. His lips traveled from the crook of her neck down to her exposed chest. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders once again and gasped softly when she suddenly felt his warmth deep inside her.

He placed a bouquet of white chrysanthemums in front of a small gravestone. It has been seven years since they lost their little angel. All his wounds in his heart are still fresh and bleeding. He first lost their little angel and then, her. The most painful thing is she didn't let him know that she was pregnant with their child. She hid everything from him and it was already too late when he learned about it.

"Mommy is a bad girl. She didn't tell me that you existed." He said in a low voice and any time sooner, his tears would fall. The rain started to fall, so did his tears. It seemed like he was the only one who couldn't move on from the past.

He just learned about their little angel's gravestone last year when Sota slipped from telling it. The couple apologized for hiding it from him but he didn't blame them because it wasn't their fault that they were only protecting her and her secrets. Her miscarriage happened quarter-year after their second anniversary. He felt like he was a failure for not noticing her pregnancy symptoms. She suffered alone for the next few years that led her to leave him and that town.

When he thought that they were already going for the next stage of their lives, he prepared a surprise for her. He asked her hand for marriage and since he asked for their closest friends to help him for the engagement, she was forced to accept the ring but then, she didn't admit that she was forced. A day later, she decided to end everything with him. She gave back the ring and quit her work to go to another city.

"But Daddy is the worst. How could he not notice things? How could he force things to still work out?" He added as he knelt in front of his daughter's gravestone. He was blaming himself for all the things that happened between them. If he wasn't that dumb and stupid, he would have not lost her and their child.

On the other hand, she was sitting with a small tin box in front of her. She was trembling when she reached for it to open. The first thing she saw from inside is the ultrasound photo. She gripped on it tightly and started crying hard. The worst thing to happen to a mother is to lose her own child. How could she be so careless? Until now, she was blaming herself that she had a miscarriage. If it didn't happen, it would have been so much better for both of them.

"My baby girl.." She sobbed as she picked up the pair of pink baby mittens from the box. Those mittens were the first thing she bought for their daughter and it was painful that their little one was never able to wear them.

"Your Daddy.. he already said goodbye to Mommy.." She cried harder while hugging the photo and the mittens. Lots of what ifs ran in her mind and all of it was enough for her to regret her decision. What if she told him about her miscarriage? What if she didn't leave him? What if they decided to try again to have a family?

She carefully placed back the photo and mittens inside the box. She hid it inside her cabinet and then, she washed her face with cold water to reduce the puffiness of her eyes. It has been days since the last time she saw both men. Yuuhi gave her space to think about everything and Natsuki never bothered her again. She received a bunch of messages and calls from Yusei and Sota but she didn't answer any of them.

She decided to meet Yuuhi that day. They went to the park where they first met. He already knew what would happen that time and he was right. She asked for a break up. He knew that she never loved him. He knew that it was always Natsuki. It was also his decision to accept his fate as a rebound. She never asked for it but he gave it anyway. He was the one who asked for them to have a relationship.

"I had a daughter with Natsuki. I'm sorry—" He cut her off and shook his head. He smiled faintly as he already knew about their daughter. He caught her once staring at the ultrasound photo and mittens when he wanted to surprise her for their third monthsary.

"Don't apologize to me. It's not your fault that you were hurt because of what happened between you and Natsuki." He said while hugging her tightly. He took a deep breath and slowly released her from his arms. Then, that was the last time she saw Yuuhi and she was already numb from the pain it brought to both of them.

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