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This is a Summer headecannon in the human realm
(I am trying to make these for females/males/Non-binarys )

ᥫ᭡Basically it's hot outside in the human realm and it's the morning you and Hunter getting up to start the morning 🌞
ᥫ᭡Once you woke up you both went straight to the shower(NOT AT THE SAME TIME PERV😀)
ᥫ᭡After showings you guys would just lay around the house until you guys are hungry
ᥫ᭡If you have a pool then Hunter expects you to teach him how to swim or it could be the other way around

ᥫ᭡and most of the time Hunter would just be in shorts and shirtless while you are just in shorts and maybe in a spaghetti string shirt/Sorts and shirtless😌(as the queen/king you are🤭)
ᥫ᭡when it comes to summer you guys drink lots and I mean lots of water but I can't blame you it gets very hot 😭
ᥫ᭡when you guys get hungry you guys would just cut up a watermelon or just melons
ᥫ᭡of course we can't forget your pet Cardinal Flapjack!
ᥫ᭡you guys would have a bird bath outside just for him, it's that or he just would be let loose around the house with the two of you

ᥫ᭡Hunter would just snuggle up to you if you guys are in the bed or on the couch night matter what
ᥫ᭡nots just that Flapjack would also join in no matter what, he will always find away to cuddle with you guys even if it means he has to sleep on either one of your heads.

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