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When Hunter is upset

If Hunter is upset you would most likely ask him what is wrong, if you get lucky he would tell you but if he is not in the mood he would just say "I don't want to talk about it" or he would just ignore you

∙If Hunter tells you what happened then you would make him feel better like...
∙cuddle him
∙make him food or get him something to drink
∙give him little pecks on the cheek or maybe on the lips
∙you would tell him sweet nothing's in his ear
∙and if he starts to cry just be with him no matter what😖

∙If he ever ignores you he would just stay under the covers not matter the temperature is until you convince him to get out
∙and if he still ignores you, you bring back up and that is Flapjack
∙knowing Hunter he wouldn't want to think about anything that traumatized him so you would talk about the good times you guys had while you and Flapjack stay by his side making him feel at ease
∙once Hunter is back being is normal self he would just stay, cuddle you while you were giving him sweet pecks on the cheek while Flapjack is resting on his head.

(Why did I blush while making this 😵‍💫 anyways thanks for reading I am starting a new book but about Oswald x reader  so please keep a look out for it and I will continue to keep writing this and have a nice day/night)

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