Nurse's x office

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I felt a sudden tremor shaking me awake and blink a few times in shock as Gon shaked me, "KILLUA OH MY GOD- DON'T FALL ASLEEP!!" he huffed and literally tried to shove me out of our seat until I had no choice but to get out, "Hey hey hey!! Damn! Pushy!" I complained and grabbed my bag. Gon looked at me with a straight face as if I'm the retarded one and I sighed, "What?"

He pointed to the front of the bus and-


I let out a distressed squeak of panic as I literally almost slip on the metal path of the bus and grab my bag as I sprint out of the almost empty bus and trip on my way out, falling flat on my face. I landed with a heavy thump and I.. I think my nose is broken-?? I let out a whiney groan but didn't move. It feels like a huge sledgehammer just backhanded me or some shit. Gon was behind me and yelped in alarm to seeing the pathetic sight of me faceplanting the floor, or a funnier way of putting it, 'high fiving the floor with my face', "KILLUA-? ARE YOU DEAD-" he asked in a higher than usual voice.

He panicked as he hopped over my body from the last step successfully, unlike a certain someone who isn't as graceful apparently, and helped me onto my knees. He winced when he saw my nose and he pouted, ".. Killuaaaa-! Don't break your pretty face!" He sighed and I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, I intended to fall flat on my face like a fucking domino" "WHAT? WHY THOUGH-?" he whined, taking me serious. I blinked and scoffed, "Dumbass! I was being sarcastic!"

".. oh-" he said after a second and let out a awkward chuckle and rubbed the back of his head, "Sorry Killua!" He smiled and helped me up as I winced because of my face. "Seriously I think your nose is sprained or even broken" he said quietly and I just nodded, in pain. My nose felt like it was on fire and freezing all at once and not to mention it throbbed and hurt like hell. Gon propped my arm over his shoulders and stood up, helping me walk with him to the school gate. I blinked, "Gon- my nose hurts, I didn't break a leg" I sighed and slanted my eyes. He giggled, "Let me win! It's fun babying you, Killua!" He smiled and that's exactly when I lost the conversation. As soon as he smiled. Dumb Gon and his dumb smile.

I let out a dramatic sigh and looked away as we approached the library and therefore the nurse's office right next to it. There was nobody in line, since school just started, so you can imagine the look of confusion and passive-aggressiveness coming from the school nurse, whom just started her shift and was drinking coffee sitting on her desk. She took a nice long sip of it as Gon and I waited in the doorway and stared at us while doing so as if saying, 'you better not be wasting my time you runts' which might as well be what she said because that's what was written all over her face: exasperation and just done with the universe.

Finally she set down her cup with a dramatic thud of ceramic against a worn out bleached mahogany and stared at us like she had zero shits to give. "Freecss, I expected you here," she started to say in a slow sarcastic monotone voice and Gon immediately looked to the floor in shame, "... but you, Zoldyck? What, is the janitor going to come in with a broken neck-?" She complained but also got up and went up to me to check my face. I tensed up at her grotesque face near mine, she smelled like pure black bitter coffee mixed with broken dreams, you know, the usual scent of someone dispear for someone who worked as a person who sent kids who didn't want to be in school home.

She observed the swelling of my nose and the fact it's bleeding and sighed, "You've done and sprained it. Also don't get blood on my floor." she said simply as if it's bright as day. I just tilted my head back to not bleed out onto my shirt or onto her floor that's so precious it can't take a ounce of blood which could be wiped off since the floor is tile. Gon rubbed my back comfortingly and stood up for me, "Can you help him?" Well, he tried i guess atleast. She sighed, "Yeah. I'm supposed to" she said as I wet a paper towel and grabbed my face tightly by my chin and began wiping away the blood from my face and nose and stuffed a tissue in my nostril and called it good, then put a bandaid on my nose and gave me a grape flavored sucker, "Here, and don't come back" she said dismissively, shoving us out of the room and logging down my visit in the computer like some kind of slave or something.

I groaned to myself, "Whats her problem! I didn't do it on purpose! And plus! I have a sprained nose! HOW THE HELL DOES A BANDAID FIX IT-" I complained as Gon nodded and listened and took us to our first period. We were Juniors, both 17 since the year is almost over, and had most of our classes together accept one, I had Advanced Psychology and he had Advanced Biology. I swear that boy must have grown up in nature cause damn he's street smart but like... forest... smart?

I don't know man, Gon is just built different then literally anyone else. We made it to our first class, math, and I swear I heard a basketball deinflate as Gon helped me into my chair, again unnecessary, and plopped next to me into his seat, immediately sinking into the uncomfortable blue plastic seat that was borrowed from the middle school or something because it hugged his knees so close to the desk if you startled him the desk might as well flip over pathetically.

I actually liked math for once, everything makes sense in math and it's literally in anything and everything in the universe, even music. So because of this I had a rather content smile on my face, ignoring the still throbbed pain from my nose, which everyone glanced at me because of. The teacher, Mr. Wing, began talking all about algebra 2 and as I took notes I saw Gon half asleep next to me, fighting to pay the slightest bit of attention. I chuckled, how is that boy going to survive our Senior year if he's stumped on math now?

I swear, Gon Freecss is a miracle case.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2022 ⏰

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