Chapter 4

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Y/n couldn't wait for the next match. He wanted to play against Tōō's ace so bad. He couldn't help himself, after the match with Yosen, Y/n needed a challenge. There was one thing that surprised him. The information, that Akashi decided to skip the match made him ecstatic. And to top it all, Akashi appointed HIM as the capitain. He didn't even know about it until he showed up at the court and Mibuchi told him about it.

-Who is he and what did he do to Akashi? - Y/n joked, earning chuckles from Mibuchi and Hayama. - Now, where is Aomine? - he asked, his eyebrow twitching, as he didn't manage to spot his target.

-Looks like he's not playing. - Kotarou was the one to say that. He made sure to keep a safe distance from Y/n. All of them knew, how much Y/n wanted to play against Aomine.

-We are wrecking them, gentlemen. - he said. - Not for Akashi, but for you and me for disregarding us like that.

-Understood! - the trio of Uncrowned Kings cheered.

Only Chihiro was the one to scoff, but to Y/n, it didn't matter. He was useless anyway. He was there only so they would have the required amount of players. He won't touch the ball as long, as Y/n is on the court. Mibuchi, Hayama and Nebuya were with him, that was all he needed. If he needed anything at all. Y/n's eyes lid up when he heard that the speaker acknowledged his presence and the Dragon nickname.

Y/n's will has been done. He had to admit Tōō players were strong, but he was disappointed anyway. He will have to find Aomine on his own, apparently. The Dragon finished his enemies off with ease and he was still hungry for challenge.

-Would you text you-know-who, that we won please? - he asked Mibuchi, as they were leaving the court in the train. Akashi told Y/n to do it, but like hell he would listen.

-Of course Y/n-chan. - Reo responded, earning a grin from Y/n. - Anything for you.

-Thank you. - said Y/n. - Take care.

With that he got out of the train on his station and made his way home. First thing he did after stepping in the house, was texting his parents. Then he went to the bathroom. He couldn't decide, if he preferred a shower or a bath. He picked the second option, after all he deserved a reward. He started a bath for himself and got undressed. Then he stepped in the bathtub and sighed in content, as the hot water relaxed his muscles. He was in his own private paradise, when he heard his phone buzzing.

-Shut up. - he said, glaring at the device. Unluckily for him, the phone was in his arm range. After a third buzz, he answered it, without checking the caller ID. Which was a big mistake.

-Hello? - he said.

-Why didn't you call as I asked? - Y/n heard Akashi's voice.

-I didn't feel like having you ruining my afternoon, but here you are. - Y/n answered truthfully. There was no use in hiding he couldn't stand the redhead.

-When will you learn to respect me? What do I have to do? - Akashi was angry. - I thought that letting you be the capitain for today will prove my good will, but I was wrong. You're...

-Yes, you were wrong. - Y/n nodded, cutting him off. - Bye Akashi. - he said and hung up on him.

Then he put his phone away and buried himself deeper in the hot water. Akashi tried to call him few more times, so Y/n turned the phone off. He didn't plan on dwelling on Akashi's tantrums anymore. Y/n won the match with the team he was leading and that was the most important thing. Now all he had to do, was finding Aomine Daiki.

-I wonder if he's as good as the rumors say. - Y/n mutter to himself, leaning back in the tub further.

For a brief moment he thought about Aomine like a replacement for Akashi, but he shook that idea off quickly. He didn't need a friend, he needed someone good to play basketball with, period. He had to practice with someone and that was all.  

The Emperor and his Dragon (Akashi Seijurou x SMR)Where stories live. Discover now