Chapter 6

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Y/n was excited. During the final minutes of his last class on Friday, he had problems with sitting still. The moment the bell rang, he grabbed his stuff and bolted out of the classroom and school. He ran to the meeting spot, where he was supposed to play against Aomine. He got there fifteen minutes later. His opponent didn't show up yet, so he decided to warm up a bit. He did that until Aomine came to the court.

-Nice to see you. - said Y/n.

-I'm here only for a bit. - answered Aomine taking a ball out of his bag. - Recently I got disappointed by my last opponent.

-You played against Seirin. - recalled Y/n. - I heard that the Kagami guy caused some problems to you.

-You heard wrong. - Aomine glared at Y/n. - And I'm going to prove that.

-Mkay. - Y/n smirked, then threw the ball at Aomine. - Who scores twenty points first, wins.

-Let's get this over with. - Aomine answered.

They got in front of each other. Aomine had the ball. Y/n was wondering, if Aomine would be capable of making him go all out. Finally Aomine made a move. His eyes widened as he suddenly felt his hands were empty. He didn't know what happened. He stood there puzzled as he heard the ball go in the basket. That repeated every time Daiki was starting his attack. Y/n easily got first ten points, while Aomine was still with zero.

-Are you even trying? - Y/n asked, annoying Daiki even more.

-How are you disappearing like this?! -growled Aomine.

-I'm simply an one-man army. - Y/n chuckled. - You won't beat me alone.

-Where were you hiding all this time? -asked Aomine.

-I lived in America. - answered Y/n.

-Not you too. - Aomine whined.

-Too? - Y/n was confused.

-Kagami came from America. - explained Daiki.

-Cool. - said Y/n. - Too bad he lost with you. - with that said, he threw the ball at Aomine. - Try your best.

Aomine was agitated again. He tried his best a while ago and he still lost the ball without noticing it. Y/n was just too quick. Too quick for Aomine Daiki. Aomine started walking around bouncing the ball. Y/n kept his eyes focused on him. He allowed him to take few steps back and think of a strategy. He wondered, if Aomine could plan on the go. To his disappointment, Daiki only charged at him. Y/n huffed and stole the ball from him once more. This time he didn't even bother to dribble too much. He just got closer to Aomine's basket and threw a three-pointer. Aomine was shocked. There was nothing he could do against this monster. Y/n was disappointed again, which led to anger. He finished the match quickly, earning his twenty points and not letting Aomine get a single point.

-Better start practicing. - said Y/n. -Now I know, that either with or without you, your team would fail against Rakuzan.

-Next time I will beat you. - answered Aomine. - I was weakened after the match with Seirin!

-So you do admit it was challenging for you. You have a long road ahead of you to meet my level. - answered Y/n. - See you around.

With that Y/n left the court with a scowl on his face. He doubted that the lack of Aomine's ability to challenge him was a reason, why Akashi told him to not to meet him. He didn't care if the other former members of the Generation of Miracles will start practicing harder. In his opinion, it was for the best. If that was something Akashi was worried about, them getting stronger, it wasn't a problem to Y/n. He could beat them. And even if he couldn't, it wouldn't hurt Akashi to see how the failure tastes.

Just as he was thinking that, he got a call from Akashi. He reluctantly answered the phone. It was one of the moments, when he didn't want to talk to him more than usual.

-Yes. - he said.

-You met Daiki. - concluded Akashi.

-I did. - Y/n admitted.

-You got disappointed. - said Akashi. -I wanted to spare you this.

-Then you should have told me. - Y/n muttered in response.

-I could have. - agreed Akashi. - But I knew you wouldn't listen anyway.

-I wouldn't. - sighed Y/n. - Tell me Akashi, when we were playing against Tōō, did you meet Aomine and told him to play badly?

-No. - Akashi denied. - Why do you think so?

-Because the ace of the Generation of Miracles couldn't stand a chance against me. - said Y/n. - I think you are still looking for a way to send me back to America, this time by showing me that no one here will win with me. I will tell you one thing. If you told Aomine to lose against me, I will find out. You're not the only one, who can bend the others to his will here. And I will take my revenge. - with that said, Y/n ended the call. On the other side...

Akashi gripped the phone in his hand. Not out of anger. Something stirred in him. He understood that Y/n hated him. And it hurt.  

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