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THE ONLY DOWNSIDE to getting drunk is the morning after, especially if your first day of school happens to be on that very same day. Her alarm going on and on like a repeated reminded of her mistakes. Aurora dragged herself out of bed, bringing her duvet with her and then... oh no; dizziness, that made her rush to the bathroom, promptly throwing up until her body felt empty. Lovely, that's just how she needed to start the school year.

After washing her mouth out about ten times, the blonde picked up her cellphone seeing a missed call from her old friend, but not thinking much of it. Maybe she finally found the guts to tell her mum. Instead of calling Aria back she texted Noel, asking him to give her lift, which he obviously agreed to. She then made her way down to the kitchen to eat breakfast, although she actually just ended up having a smoothie because she coudn't stomach food.

She had already picked out an outfit yesterday morning, anticipating her current hangover. Quickly getting dressed and putting on some make up to cover up any signs of what she did last night. Suddenly, a car started to honk it's horn relentlessly, knowing that there was only one person who it could possibly be, she rushed to get her bag and jacket, locking the door on her way out. "Quit it Noel, before someone files a police report against you."

"Oh come on Rory, everyone in this neighbourhood loves me." Noel Kahn said with a cheeky grin, knowing too well the about ten people were cursing his name at this very moment.

"Yeah, and i'm not hungover as fuck right now." Aurora replied sarcastically, climbing into his car. "Now lets go before we both get murdered."

"Ah, there's my little ray of sunshine, spreading happiness and joy where ever she goes." the boy in the drivers seat taunted, staring the engine whilst doing so.

"Shut up, Noel." Said the girl next to him, a small smile creeping onto her face.


WALKING INTO SCHOOL when you're Aurora Jenkins and Noel Kahn was like walking on a red carpet to some shitty movie you star in. All eyes were on them as they walked to their lockers, they were a power couple that would never really be together. The gossip and rumours spread about them first started when they were 14, Aurora had just left yet another party that she went to with Alison when she bumped into Noel and his brother, Eric, who saw the state she was in and offered to give her a ride home. Obviously she said yes, it was the Kahn brothers for Christ's sake , they both failed to mention that Ali's brother was going to be in the car with them.

Long story short, the journey back was awkward, Jason had it in his head that he was responsible for her or something like that. His voice was adding to her already excruciatingly painful headache and it all became too much for her, so she asked Eric to stop the car so that she could walk the rest of the way. That lead to Jason getting out of the car and practically following her home, forcing her to wear his hoodie when he saw her shiver. What happened after that is completely irrelevant and does not effect Aurora in the slightest all these years later, that would be absurd.

The point is Aurora walked into school the next morning with the same hoodie on, forgetting who it belonged to. When she joined her friends, who were talking to Noel and some of his friends, she was immediately bombarded with questions because her wearing a boy's jacket was such a big deal. It was at that point in time that she finally remembered who gave her this jacket, it wasn't just some random guy from the party, it was Jason Dilaurentis, as in Ali's brother Jason, the one guy Ali said to stay away from.

Noel Kahn, ever the knight in shining armour, decided to save her from further scrutiny by telling everyone that it was his and saying that she got cold at the party yesterday. It was then and there that a beautiful friendship started between the two.

Yet something was different today, Aurora kept catching glimpses of pitiful glances from her class mates. What have I done this time? "Hey, Noel, why is everyone staring at me like that?"

"Like what?" He replied, suddenly becoming aware of how many eyes were on them.

"They're all looking at me like someone died!" By this point she was starting to feel self conscious -not that she'd ever let it show.

"Uh, Rory," Noel's tone was cautious "you do know what day it is today right?"

"Of course I do Noel," with that he released a breath "it's the first day of school!"

"Wait... you actually don't remember?" His voice sounded concerned. "Aurora, it's been a year since Alison went missing..."

The blonde girl paused "Oh! Yeah, I already knew that." She said, opening her locker.

"And you're not upset?" Aurora slammed her locker door shut, after collecting her books, revealing her friend's confused expression.

"Of course I'm upset Noel! She was like a sister to me. But she wouldn't want me to mope around and be all sad about her." Her words sounded practiced yet they were utterly convincing.

"Okay! Okay, I get it." Noel spoke defensively "I'll see you in class." And with that he walked away.


AURORA STROLLED INTO her English classroom ten minutes late, carelessly slamming the door, not even bothering to give the teacher a glance. Taking a seat at the back of the classroom. She grabs her phone from her pocket and starts texting Noel, demanding him to drive her home later.

However she never got to send the message as she was interrupted. "Uh, excuse me. Girl at the back?"

She looked to around and noticed that she was the only person sat on the back row, then reluctantly made eye contact with the teacher who looked like he was on the edge of fainting.

"Would you like to contribute to the class discussion?" He had phrased it as a question yet it was blatantly obvious that it was an order. Still, she kept her gaze blank and unfeeling. "What's your favourite book?"

Aurora let out a deep sigh and answered "Romeo and Juliet." But the teacher would not allow her peace, so he gestured for an explanation. "There's something so beautifully tragic about dying for love. The way they cared about each other more than anything or anyone else is inspiring. Shakespeare manages to capture the idea of infatuation amazingly."

She held his gaze, ignoring all of the surprised faces around the room. The hint of her actually having thoughts? Horrifying . "Thank you for that, miss?"

"Jenkins." She jumped up as the bell rang, leaving four girls stunned.

Aurora Jenkins had not changed at all.

Idk if I edited this or not so, sorry for any mistakes.

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