Shocked, Confused and Annoyed

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Aria Montgomery was in shock.

The guy from the bar was her English teacher.

Ezra Fitz, who she had a full on make out session with is her English teacher. The classroom felt suffocating, she could feel the shape of her phone burning through her pocket, the mysterious text causing it to overheat and turn to red, hot, molten lava.

She was broken out of her trance by the door slamming open. And there she was.

Aurora Jenkins.

It seemed like her beauty was frozen in time. She was untouchable, flawless and elegant. Her honey brown skin complimenting her wavy hair, that was never out of place.

Her eyes were glued to her phone as she typed something, her slow footsteps echoing through the silent room. Yet Aurora was unfazed, possibly even oblivious. It had always been like this, every step she took gained attention, every move she made and word she said was complimented or criticised. Yet Aurora managed to float above it all, ruling over the school hallway alongside Alison.

That was what made Aurora Jenkins different to the rest of the girls, she was Alison's equal. They were sisters in everything but blood.

So as the blonde took her seat at the back of the room, Aria tried to catch a glimpse of her face, searching for any signs of grief or sadness. Yet when the girl finally looked up as Ezra picked on her, she look perfectly normal, her eyes were empty and cold as she spoke.

"Romeo and Juliet." She spoke, her voice still sweet and smooth.

Aria missed the rest of the other girls words, reaching into her pocket to retrieve her cellphone, re-reading the text message over and over again.

Maybe he fools around with
students all of the time. A
lot of teachers do. Just ask
your dad -A

There were only three people who knew about her father and the entire situation: her dad (who would never tell anyone) and...


It was a bright summers day, the sun was beating down upon. The three teenage girls were walking down a street eating frozen yogurts as they heard high pitched voice calling out there names.

"Alison!" Mona Vanderwall, a nerdy girl in their grade shouted.

At the sound of her name, Alison rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Hey, Aurora, wait up." The girl kept going. "Aria, wait!"

A 15 year old Aurora Jenkins giggled at the expression on her best friend's face as she looped her arms through each of the girls', being careful not to drop her yogurt, and dragged them into an alley.

"Is she ever going to get a clue?" The Dilaurentis girl said in a mocking tone.

"I know right? What a dork." Aurora replied through her laughter. "Switch?" This causes Aria to offer her cup to the Aurora, who was looking expectantly at the other blonde. "Ali?"

The girl in question absentmindedly took the froyo from her, also giving hers to Aria. "Hey, isn't that your dad's car?" This caused the brunette to start walking toward it, and sure enough, Byron Montgomery was sat in the drivers seat, next to a blond college student who leans in to kiss him, leaving Aria completely stunned.

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