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            ♫︎𝐈'𝐦 𝐇𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫♫︎                          𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐲♫︎

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            ♫︎𝐈'𝐦 𝐇𝐲𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐝 𝐁𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫♫︎


𝗬/𝗻 𝗣.𝗢.𝗩

I was fully focused on completing my assignment, when suddenly my phone started to ring, i glanced at the caller ID, and it was unknown, i accepted it, "hello?"I spoke through the phone, but it was completely silence, "hello"The phone dropped from my hands, hearing that husky pinched voice.

T-t-taehyung, what he wants from me?, and who gave him my number?, i flashed back to my senses, i grabbed my phone from the floor, placing it on my ear, i cleared my throat, "be ready at eight"He said, and hung up at my face, he hung up, HE HUNG UP!!, WTF?!!, and what did he said?, be ready at eight?.

Is he going to kidnap me?, AAAAAAAGGHH!!!, our gucci gown is ready, wait our gucci gown?, bitch it's my gucci gown, yes i will go and get ready to visit my gown, after few minutes, i walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower, i tried out some clothes from my wardrobe, when i heard eomma yelling.

"Y/N Y/N!!"She yelled soo loudly that i palmed my ears, i was in about to try a dress, i throwed it away harshly, today i'm not going to listen to her, i flipped my hair, applying face mask, yeah i look hot, i pulled some breath taking poses Infront of the mirror.

I was only wrapping towel around me, i looked like some model, wow, i heard her footsteps, i would lie if i say i'm not scared to death right now, she harshly opened up the door, gasping loudly, she walked towards me, she grabbed my both shoulders, shooking me harshly.

"TAEHYUNG IS DOWNSTAIRS!!"She yelled, what????, he said he will be here at eight??, it's only six????, "But eomma--"She cutted me off, "shut up and wear something"She said, i rolled my eyes only to receive a slap straight on my face, "HURRY.UP"she yelled, i immediately rushed to the wardrobe to wear something.

Umm what should i wear??, he will be wearing his ceo attire like usual, but i wanna be twin with him, i smirked when i found my favorite dress, which makes me to look more beautiful

I walked downstairs, hoping i won't miss a stair and thankfully i didn't, everytime this one broken stair cause problems, so i sticked my tongue out at that stair, i reached downstairs and found him standing in the place where he stands everytime ...

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I walked downstairs, hoping i won't miss a stair and thankfully i didn't, everytime this one broken stair cause problems, so i sticked my tongue out at that stair, i reached downstairs and found him standing in the place where he stands everytime he visits here.

I smiled but he didn't, that hurts but i don't care, i followed him behind, he walked to his car, i sat up on the passenger seat, carefully making sure it won't be closed with a loud thud like last time, and it wasn't, i sticked my tongue out at the door.

𝗧𝗮𝗲𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗴 𝗣.𝗢.𝗩

I stared small kid when she walked down the stairs, i slightly gasped, watching her looking soo mature, and classy, i glanced at her mother and she has the same reaction as me, just i thought about her being mature and not a kid, she sticked her tongue out at something.

Just like some five years old, i'm pretty sure she have sticked it out at the stair, because of her gaze, i walked out of the house, sitting up inside my car, she did the same, she closed the door gently, not like last time, and again thought she is mature, she again sticked her tongue out at the door.

Isn't that enough to accept that she is a small kid, i drove away, "where are we going?"After more then twenty minutes, she remembered that we are going somewhere, "to try the gown"I replied coldly, she nodded, "you are also coming?"She asked again.

I nodded, "you will also wear gown?"She asked again, i was pissed, i nodded again, she gasped, palming her mouth, "what??, men doesn't wear that"She replied, smiling, "then why did you asked?"I asked, "because i thought you will wear it since you are different from other men, like lix and hyun are different from you, they are always smiling and happy, but you are not"She replied.

She doesn't needs a therapist, she needs god, is she for real like that, or she is doing intentionally to start a conversation with me?, "Keep quiet"I ordered, she gulped, placing her index finger on her mouth, staring out of the window, why she can't control herself from speaking.

I stopped infront of the mall, where is her gucci gown, i dashed out of the car, and she did the same, following me behind like some lost puppy, we walked inside the store, and the first thing i heard was her screams, she rushed to the counter, grabbing the candies.

I stared her in disbelief, the counter guy stared me awkwardly, she have embarrassed me, the lady infront of me, cleared her throat catching my attention, two guys behind her has the gown, y/n tried it out and i looked extremely beautiful on her, we bought it and i immediately dragged her out of store.

"Do you wanna buy your dress?"She asked, i shooked my head, "yeah why you should buy it, you are already wearing it"She replied herself giggling, did she insulted me?, i cared less about her words, and dragged her out of the mall, people around always stares us like i'm some kind of cruel man abusing her, once they will get to know this small kid they will do the same as me.

She was screaming all the way for ice cream, but i didn't listened to her a bit, i stopped infront of her house, she huffed, opening up the door, she slammed it soo hard that it made me flinch, she turned around to her house, and walked away, without saying anything, not like last time, being completely mad at me.

I palmed my mouth, eyes widened, watching the oscar worthy scene infront of me


She was showing her attitude but OOPS!, she stood up from the ground, glaring at me, my eyes stopped on her heels, which she was wearing to reach my height, they were broken, she grabbed it, throwing it into my direction, i chuckled, her mad face is something else.

She huffed, walking inside her house, i shooked my head in disbelief, i have enjoyed it a lot, i bit my lower lip, droving away.


"REALLY???"Jimin asked in disbelief, as i have told him today's story, "no, no, but which shop made a gucci gown?"He asked, everything aside he is curious about the gown, i glared him, but he kept his serious confused face.

"I requested and they accepted"I replied, he smirked, "i see!, your wife is controlling you this early!"He said, hitting my arm with his elbow, i rolled my eyes, he grinned, "at the end she is soo beautiful"He mumbled, as his smirk widened, "jimin i will kick you out of my cabin, if you didn't shut your mouth!!"I threatened.

"Yeah i'm going now anyways, since y/n is taken by you..i have to find someone else"He stood up from the chair, i glanced at my table, finding the alarm in there, i immediately grabbed it, throwing it at him.
He catched it, laughing and running away from the cabin.

'SHE IS TAKEN BY ME!?', what is that nonsense??!.


*Just Talking *

Jungkook: How To Impress A Girl Hyung?

Namjoon : Show Her How Kind You And Never Break Her Heart!

Jimin : Yeah Break Her Things Just Like Namjoon!

Yoongi : Break Her Bones!

Jin : If She Is Beautiful More Then You Then Break Her Face-

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