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       ♫︎𝐼 𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝐵𝑒 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑌𝑜𝑢 & 𝐼 𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎                      𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑦 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑌𝑜𝑢♫︎

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       ♫︎𝐼 𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎 𝐵𝑒 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑌𝑜𝑢 & 𝐼 𝑊𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑎
                      𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑦 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑌𝑜𝑢♫︎


𝗧𝗮𝗲𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗴 𝗣.𝗢.𝗩

Running behind her while she is slowly disappearing in the dark, no matter how hard and fast i ran, she was going away from me, "taehyung?, taehyung?"I heard jimin calling me out can't he see i'm trying to go to my small kid, "TAEHYUNG!!"He yelled, i shot opened my eyes, panting heavily, staring at the white ceiling, "oh god taehyung, you are sweating soo much"Said jimin.

I looked at him, "ji-jimin wh-where is sh-she?"I asked, he sighed heavily, facepalming, grabbing the phone from the drawer, "she called few hours ago, with a new number, but you were asleep"He replied, i immediately sat up on the bed, "she called??, why you didn't woke me up??"I asked, snatching the phone from his hand, i immediately called the number, i can't wait to hear her beautiful voice.

After some rings, the phone was answered, "hello?"I spoke through the phone, being desperate, "hello, excuse me, but who are you?"A manly voice answered, her mother, she would have snatched her phone from her, that's why she called from someone else's phone, "please let me talk to y/n"I begged, it was silence from the other side, "are you kim taehyung?"He asked, something bad is coming up.

I hummed, and he immediately hang up, HE HANG UP AT MY FACE??, i glanced at the caller ID, and tried to call again, but i was blocked, i glanced at jimin, he was staring me with pity, the kim taehyung, who has everything, literally everything, can't even talk to his wife now, can't even meet his love now, just an ordinary women is preventing his wife from meeting him, and he can't even do anything.

I can do it, i can threaten her mother, i can do more worse then that lady, i can scare her more then that lady have done, i can even register a fake affaire on her, and she will be in prison, but i can't do it at the same time, my small kid, she is her mother, i'm only preventing myself for her, only she is the one coming infront of my eyes.

I have already signed my papers of the deal with that lady, but she isn't signing her, today i want it, i want her to sign it, i wanna go to her, i miss her, i can't even gulp down the water without her now, i want her, i wanna hug her, i stood up from the bed, removing throwing away every single wire connected to my body, "where are you going?"Jimin asked, "to complete the deal"I replied.

And i rushed out of the room, i can hear him yelling something behind, but i didn't cared and rushed out of the hospital, i can only feel anger in my veins, getting into my car, i drove away to the mansion, tears filled up in my eyes, i know she will be worried about me, crying all the time, ughh why can't i give her happiness?.

I rushed out of the car, rushing immediately inside the mansion, there she is having dinner with jenna on the dining table, "oh look who is here"That lady said, and both of them chuckled, "sign the papers now, i have to go"I said, coldly, slamming the paper on the table, both of them flinched, "FUCKING SIGN THEM NOW!"I roared at her, jenna scoffed, "is this a way to talk to your mother"Said jenna, rolling her eyes.


I harshly gripped on her wrist, dragging her immediately out of the mansion,"THIS IS OUR MATTER DON'T FUCKING TRY TO COME IN BETWEEN!!, TELL YOUR HUSBAND TO COME AND PICK YOU OTHERWISE DIE HERE BUT DON'T EVEN TRY TO GET INSIDE THE MANSION"I yelled, pointing the guards to pack her things up, and they did.

I throwed her bags at her face, before slamming the mansion's door shut at her face, i turned to that lady, "YOU DIDN'T SIGNED YET?"I yelled, she immediately grabbed the pen, gulping down, signing the paper, i snatched the paper from her, handing it to the guard, "you were right when you said love makes you blind, and i'm loving this blindness soo much"I said, walking upstairs.

I have to pack my thing.

I have to go to my love.

I dialed jimin's number, i waited for him to pick it up, "hello taehyung for god sake come back to hospital"Said jimin, "pack your things up, we are leaving right now"I ordered, hanging up at his face, without waiting for his reply, if any of them tried to harm her or tried to do anything to her, i won't care about anyone anymore, all i care about is her, and only her.

I packed up my stuff, leaving the mansion, "sir"The guard bowed infront of me, "take care of appa, i will be back in some times"I replied, droving away, i stopped infront of jimin's house, after waiting for twenty minutes, i noticed him walking out, with his big ass luggage, "it's your love story, why are you dragging me in"Said jimin, sitting up inside the car,"because i need someone to take care of her, after i die"I replied

He gasped, "you are unbelievable taehyung"He mumbled, facing the window, i drove away immediately, droving away to the place where my heart lives.

Getting inside the bullet i only thought about her, if she was with me in here, she would have been falling here and there, and will be yelling inside this train, whinning for something, "you okay bro?, why are you smiling by yourself?"Jimin asked, i shooked my head, "her grandpa have some guys with him, they will beat us"I replied, he choked on the water he was drinking.

"Did you just asked me to come with you so you wouldn't be the only one to get beaten up?"He asked, i chuckled, nodding my head, he shooked his head in disbelief, "they are more then three, they will beat us up, so be prepared"I informed, he laughed out nervously, "small kid even told me that one of them have big muscles"I informed again.

He gulped, "then why you didn't bring your guards along with you?"He asked, "the contract says i can't use anything, that's in my power"I replied, staring out of the window, "so you mean i can't use this"He said, pulling out his black card, "you can use it, but i can't"I replied.

"So you will eat what villagers eats?"He asked, i nodded my head, he also nodded, facing his side of window, "so they hate you?"He asked, staring out of the window, "i don't know but the way that guy behaved it looked like one, i bet her mother have done something"I replied, he hummed, agreeing with me.

Soon, there were not any long towers or any kind of factory, only grass, trees and farms, jimin collected his stuff, "you will not take yours?"He asked, i shooked my head, walking out of the train, "i can't because it's from my card"I replied, he shooked his head in disbelief, "so where is she?"He asked, looking around, i pulled out my phone, where her location is, we walked, and walked.

Jimin cursed and panted heavily, being tired of walking, finally after too many struggles, we stood infront of an old house.

"I'm here my love"I mumbled.

𝗩𝗼𝘁𝗲 𝗩𝗼𝘁𝗲 𝗩𝗼𝘁𝗲 𝗜 𝗪𝗼𝗻'𝘁 𝗗𝗼 𝗔𝗻𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗧𝗼 𝗬𝗼𝘂...

*Just Talking*

Jungkook : What Does R.I.P Means?

Yoongi: When Someone Stabs Your Heart And Pull It Out Of Your Chest It Means You Are R.I.P

Namjoon: Wtf-

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