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       ♫︎𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐞                           𝐂𝐫𝐚𝐳𝐲♫︎

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       ♫︎𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐋𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐞


I gasped, leaning on the door, "t-there isn't anything to worry about m-mr kim"The principal replied, why is he shuttering?, suddenly someone slapped my head from behind, i flinched turning around, finding felix behind me, "i guess you are not interested anymore to beat me"Said felix.

He leaned on the door, trying to eavesdrop on the principal's door, i smacked his shoulder, "who said i'm not interested, it was a plan to make you come here"I replied, searching for the bat, he chuckled, pulling out the skating bat from behind him, "yeah gimme that"I said, jumping for the bat, he is holding it higher, i couldn't reach his tall height.

Taehyun rushed to us, "the class has started come on hurry up!!"Taehyun said, our eyes widened, i slightly pushed him away, rushing out of there, i walked inside the class, the professor is already present, he passed me a death glare, i returned my famous innocent smile, he pointed me to sit, i immediately rushed to my place.

This seungmin is my bench mate, he is sitting up beside me with a bored expression on his face, i sighed because i know this boy never talks nor laughs, he only roasts, the lesson started, and it's way too boring, suddenly the incident in principal's cabin came into my mine.

He once picked me up, i thought he doesn't even know about my school's name, yeah pabo you forgot, what he said in the morning that he knows everything after all he is my husband, i blushed burrying my face on the desk, i noticed felix and taehyun eyeing me with a mysterious smirk on their faces.

I again buried my face on the desk, soon the lesson ended, some students in the class tried to approach me, but i was fast enough to run away,

𝗧𝗮𝗲𝗵𝘆𝘂𝗻𝗴 𝗣.𝗢.𝗩

"This is not right taehyung"Jimin mumbled for the hundredth time, i gritted my teeth, "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!"I yelled at him, he messaged his temples being frustrated, he stood up from the chair, he walked around the room, he sat back, "YESTERDAY YOU DECIDED TO LET HER GO AND NOW YOU ARE TELLING ME--"He harshly slammed his palm on the table.

I fisted my palm, "YOU SAID YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR MOM IS TRYING TO DO AND NOW YOU DON'T WANNA HURT THAT INNOCENT GIRL BUT WHAT NOW HUH?!?"He yelled on top of his lungs, i also slammed my palm on the table, standing up, ,"WHAT DO YOU THINK IT'S EAZY TO LET GO OF SOMETHING!?!"I yelled back.

He sighed heavily, "your mother is the biggest problem, if you will even leave this country, she will probably find you both, it's no of use running away from her, stay in the mansion, don't take a move which will hurt in return"He replied calmly, "that lady is out of her mind, first she wanted her and now she doesn't wants her, maybe she had planned something else and it turned out to be something else?, and now she wanna fix it, you know her evil mind more then me taehyung"Jimin mumbled.

"Are we some kind of clowns in her circus?, why she wanna play like this with two lives, it's not about me, it's about her, it isn't eazy at all to get along and then just part the ways"I replied, "i understand you taehyung you both took three months of getting along with each other, you know how she treated you all these years, do you expect kindness from her?"Jimin asked.

"She have always chosed violence, in the most merciless way, she has money and power, you have seen it from your eyes, i'm scared for her"Said jimin, "j-jimin"I called him out, shuttering, "t-taehyung what happened to you?"Jimin shuttered, gripping on my shoulder.

"I'm ge-getting ad-addicted"I replied, as tears flowed from my eyes,
"I'm getting used to live like this, with her beside me, WHY IT'S HAPPENING WITH ME!!"I yelled, sniffing, he tried to console me, he hugged me tightly, he broke the hug, "you care about her right?"He asked, i nodded my head.

"Then let her go"He mumbled, i sobbed out, he patted my back, walking out of the room, how am i going to do that?, how people does that?, how?!, my heart feels heavy, i wanna calm myself down, i glanced at the window beside me.

Fisting my palm, punching the window, blood flew from my fist, i'm feeling calm, i sat up on the chair, i have to do something, i was zoning out, thinking about the possible outcomes, when my phone buzzed.

Very Small Kid♥️:

This small kid!!, i smiled waiting for her to say something

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This small kid!!, i smiled waiting for her to say something.

I got 100/99 on my assignment!

                                          Only 99?

(Incoming voice call from Very Small Kid♥️)
         Accept                Decline

I accepted she started yelling like a maniac, "WHATDOYOUMEANONLY99 I WORKED SOO HARDONITDONTTALKTOMEIHATEYOU!!"I barely understood a word, she continued her gibberish, "SHHHH"I shushed her, she shut her mouth, "did you already forgot i have also worked on it with you?"I asked, she gasped.

"But--"I cutted her off, "okay okay congratulations!"I said, bluntly, "THANK YOU!"She yelled, "the classes have ended, when are you going to come?"She asked, suddenly worry rushed over me, "wh-where are you now??"I questioned, "ON INFRONT GATE RIGHT??"I asked, grabbing my blazer rushing out of my cabin.

"Yes i'm standing at the front gate"She replied, "are you standing all alone in there?"I asked, running out of the building, pulling out the key, opening up the car door, "yes, but don't worry taehyun and felix are inside practicing basketball"She replied, i groaned, droving away, "why are you being scared out of nowhere?"She asked.

"Don't go anywhere i'm coming, stay there"I ordered, "Taehyung--"Suddenly her voice was cutted off, i heard a car crashing sound, my blood ran cold, "Y/N? Y/N? Y/N? Y/N?"I called her out, but didn't received any answer, i increased the speed of the car, i stopped infront of her school.

There my eyes stopped at the car crushed on the tree badly, there are some cops, i immediately got off the car, rushing to them"WHERE IS KIM Y/N??"I yelled, "ceo calm down, the ambulance have just left to hospital"Replied the cop, i froze at my place, d-did he j-just said hospital?.

"W-which ho-hospital?"I asked, my voice cracking up, as it was getting hard for me to breath, he answered the hospital's name and it's my own hospital, i immediately rushed inside my car, droving away.




*Just Talking*

(Me Explaining My Non Army Friend  Different Between 'RUN BTS' Song 'Run BTS' Show And 'Run By Bts' Song)

Me : They All Are Different!

Friend : But BTS Is Running Everywhere So How They Are Different!?

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