~Part 2~

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"Hey girl! Over here!" She waves her hand, signaling me to sit at a small 3 seated table near a window that displayed the entrance of the school.

Rylee. My best friend.

I've known her for about 9 years already. I would be lying if I said I wasn't suspicious of her intentions towards me. She just doesn't seem like the type of girl to get along well with others without some kind of compensation.

Sitting right next to Rylee was Jenna. I've known Jenna for 6 years. She was quiet and seemed like a well reserved person. I'm not sure how she ended up paired with Rylee and I, but here we are.

" Hey girl, good to see you!" Rylee stands up and gives me a quick side hug, pecking my right cheek, then my left. She signals Jenna to stand up, and she does as soon as she catched on.

"Hi Y/N, nice to see you." She gives me a small hug and a kind smile.

I'm not sure what it is about Jenna, but she seems true. If that makes any sense.

" Sooo. We saw you and Carter this morning! So cute! So jealous." Rylee says, sitting back down while taking a sip of her low calorie vitamin water.

She's been trying to take Carter since he first ever laid eyes on me. She even gone as far as inviting him over to her house to help with my " birthday present" which at the time, was 5 months away.

He declined, (like the loyal boyfriend he is) but a small part of me still thinks he missed a good opportunity for a girl who might appreciate him more.

" You guys are so cute together, don't ya' think Jenny?" Rylee asks, with a smal hint of aggression that could only be spotted if paid actual attention to. (which Jenna was not)

"Ugh I wish I had a boyfriend as cute, adorable, loyal, funny, strong, handsome.." She continued, but I had zoned out a bit.

It's not the most enjoyable when listening to your "best friend" list all the notable attributes about your love.

I'm not saying she was wrong, far from it actually. But did she have to name each and every one?

"Jenna! Y/N! Are you guys even listening to me?"

I snap back into reality, noticing Jenna do the same.

"You guys are no fun. What's up?"

" Oh nothing, just thinking" Jenna's half-ass response doesn't seem to please Rylee.

"Well anyways, class starts in 5 minutes, so I'll see you gals at lunch. Bye, love you so so much!" Rylee stands up, blowing fake kisses at me and Jenna. She grabs her unflavored, low cal vitamin water, her Dior backpack, and heads out the library.

Seeing students in designer clothes and backpacks wasn't rare at my school. It's pretty common.

"You think she's mad?"

I turn to Jenna, who was already looking at me.

"Maybe, you know how she can be" I give her a small smile, in which she returns.

"You look very nice today. New skirt?"

Well, at least someone noticed.

"Yep, first time out of the closet. What do you think?" I ask, maybe a bit sarcastically.

"It looks nice on you, but I don't think that's your true style. Am I wrong?" She gives me a sly smirk.

She wasn't wrong. Infact, she couldn't be more correct.

" Yeah yeah whatever, lets go before we are late." I stand up with my backpack, Jenna doing the same.

The first class I have is AP biology.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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