Megumi and yuji go on a small date

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This is the next morning, after they wake up! they go on a date and they get to fight a curse. enjoy!

-timeskip; morning-

megumi: -wakes up, stretching, but my eyes are still closed-

itadori: *rustles still sleeping* hmm....fushiguro.....

megumi: -blinks, looking down at you and smiling, pulling you to my chest and petting your hair- morning itadori...

itadori: hmmm...ngh...5 more min...*tired*

megumi: -giggles, laying back down- it's ok, i'm not going anywhere.. -checks my phone- *hmm... toge just told me he watched a new anime last night..* -starts texting toge-

itadori: *hugs ur waist going in between ur arms* morning fushiguro...*presses my lips on ur collarbone*

megumi: -smiles, kissing ur forehead- yuji.. have a good sleep? it looks like u did

itadori: *kisses ur neck* hmm...i had a dream about you and me sitting in a garden filled with flowers.... it was so peaceful...*eyes still closed*

megumi: -blushes a little, rubbing ur nape- yea? that does sound peaceful, wanna try doing that today? have a picnic?

itadori: *nods hugging u tighter* i want to spend more time with fushiguro....

megumi: -giggles, pulling you up more and kissing ur lips gently- ik u do, yuji, and u can.. -kisses u more- sleepy baby..

itadori: *opens my mouth slipping my tongue in and groan*

megumi: -groans too, sucking on it and rolling u over- mm... -giggles, closing my eyes-

itadori: *continues kissing u for a few min, pulls away to breath* nice way to start ur morning~

megumi: -nods, still staring at ur lips- agreed.. -takes a breath, taking one more kiss and sitting in ur lap- hey, want to go to a fast food place for breakfast? i heard there was a new ramen place, but idk if it's good. wanna try it?

itadori: *nods kissing u* hm. im too tired to make breakfast today. lets just eat out.

megumi: -rubs ur chest, standing and stretching- thank god i'm better. i couldn't take another day of that

itadori: *hugs u from behind* glad ur ok now....

megumi: -leans into ur touch and nuzzles against ur cheek- me too... mmm

itadori: *rubs my face against urs* mm.....ur so cute....let's get ready.

megumi -nods- i'm going to take another one of ur hoodies....-takes off the one i was wearing and puts it in my hamper-

itadori: ja...wanna wear this one^^ *hands u a black hoodie

megumi: -nods, putting it on and grabbing some shorts and boxers- ok tell me when ur ready -looks in the mirror, pressing my lips together and brushing my hair back-

itadori: * blushes its a lil big on him...he looks so cute in it* fushiguro i-...

megumi: -looks over at u, messing with my bangs a little- hm? What is it?

itadori: *blushes, averting my eyes* um...i..uh...*looks away* nevermind...

megumi: -tilts head, confused- yuji, r feeling sick? why're u so red- oh? -holds ur face, looking u over- ..ur cheeks r all warm.. r u ok?

itadori: *holds ur hand* I'm fine. its nothing..

megumi: -smiles, kissing ur forehead- ok ok, fine. -lets go, looking at my hair again- d-does this look good?

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