Name picking and changing name.

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When it comes to picking a name, there isn't really a right way of doing it.

Some people keep their birth name, because they're comfortable with it. Others choose to go by a different name, which you have to respect.

Now here's some tips on how to find the perfect name for you.

You can ask your relatives what your name should've been if you were born as a different gender.

You can look for names on websites like: BabyCenter & Nameberry, they have a bunch of unisex names too.

If you see some names you like in a movie, book, on a poster, ect. Then you can write them down and decide which one(s) you like the most.

You can ask, some of your friends and relatives if they think the name fits you, but at the end of the day, you're the one who knows if a name fits you or not

Maybe you have a nickname, or a name you always used, when you were younger, you could use that or something similar.

Again there's no right or wrong way to pick a name, some people have multiple names that they use.

Now if you wanna officially change your name, it can be different from county to county, in some countries it's very expensive, and in others it's not that expensive. You can find more information about that online.

I hope these tips were helpful. If there's anything you think I forgot to add, please dm me or tell me in the comments.
If you have any questions about trans stuff, feel free to comment them or dm me.

Love y'all bye!! <333

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