How to look more masc.

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Thanks to: @Fern_Haha for this idea.

Would you like to look more masculine? Maybe this would help a lil :)


Wear dark colours
First off, I bet you'd look good as hell and 2nd, dark colours just seem more masculine in some way?

Cut your hair, it's not necessary tho, you can look masc with long hair too!

Do workouts. There are workouts that'll make your figure seem more masculine, you can find them on TikTok or YouTube.

Loose clothing. Since it's not tight, they won't be showing your features that much.

Rings and chain necklaces!
Especially silver :)

Leather belts!
I can't describe how euphoric they make me feel!

Tennis socks.
Idk they just make me feel awesome + many boys in my class wear them.


Thank you so much for reading this chapter, I really hope you enjoyed it!

Again thanks to: @Fern_Haha for giving me this idea, I really appreciate it.

Feel free to leave ideas in the comments :)

Oh well, stay safe out there!
My DMs are always open, I love y'all!

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